Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beejay is leaving town

I head out to Florida on Sunday. This weekend is the wonderful family reunion for which I made this trek to the great State of WI. So far I have been wined and dined by about everyone in the county. The weather, however, could have been a tad warmer!

One last little gathering this evening for anyone interested. Abby and SER know the location or call me. I think most of you have my number.

Anyway, thanks for the fun and the laughs. I will miss you all. Remember, there is an satellite party location in Florida!


PS to KK, DA, Abby and Mr. DA: We ROCK!


  1. The MOST important question is.... Abby and SER may know, but do I? What about orbs?

  2. he keeps promising and that wimps out. Sure, next time. Hugs to all

  3. I already have my Florida trip planned...might even be giving an astronomy talk in Bradenton. I'll let you know the details as it gets closer!

  4. thanks for a great time, guys. I will truly, truly miss you. I will be baaaack.

    Hooooow yaaaaa doooing?

  5. Hale, you let me know...I will be available.

  6. I hate goodbyes! Most of all Beejay goodbyes...I'll miss my buddy. Just knowing she was here was awsome. I'll catch her in Florida again...We had a ball out tonight..Loved Ser gettin the hat this time!.................HEY YALL "HOW UUUUU DOIN?"

  7. Was great seeing all of you again and meeting a couple new ones!


    Will miss you Beejay!

  8. Had a good time! Sorry, that I wasn't too talkative. A lot on my mind lately-but it was great being among friends! Glad that I got to meet you DA! And your hubby as well!

  9. Well, I didn't see this blog until 7 PM (or open the email until now), so I'm a little jealous that you guys had a good time without me.

    But I'm basically anti-social and non-impulsive, so I don't know if I woulda gone, anyway.

    Goodbye and farewell, Beejay. Sorry I didn't see you. Maybe next time.

  10. Nah, you fo-get-abou-dit... How YOU doin? Just how did it go so... bad italian movie? Well, for some of us, it was a bad swedish movie. hehehehehe

    I had fun guys. beejay, have a safe trip home and come back soon. We'll miss ya.

  11. Bad italian movie? That was Joey from Friends!

    Hey.. search out an app for the BB on this so I don't have to run to my cp to post!

    Orbs.. Looking forward to meeting you. I'm a little anti social too..

  12. DA is an anti-social as an ant at a picnic!

    I truly wish I lived closer at times and then the weather comes into focus!

    I will miss you all. And will wonder, HOW YOOOOOOU DOIN?????

  13. DA, you are right, how could I forget about Joey? Didn't that initially originate from a movie? Isn't that where Joey got it from?

    I agree beejay, DA claims to be anti-social, then drags that party animal (Mr. DA) out with her! :)

  14. I hope you all enjoy your hangovers.


  15. :) I will pass your comments on to the party animal.

    Orbs, no hangover here!

  16. HAHA no hangover here. I was a good girl. (this time)

  17. I'm just miffed because I didn't go. I look forward to meeting you, DogAddicts, and Mr. Party Animal.

    All those hot JTI chicks were there and I missed it.


  18. No hangover here either. We behaved ourselves or our livers have given up!

  19. Orbs, we missed you too. So How YOOOU DOIN????

  20. We're doin good!


  21. No hangerover here, I only had two, the first and the last!

    Oh...and a shot of tequila...thanks Barbara! You little shit.

  22. But I do have a cool autography picture from everyone!!!

  23. No hangover here-didn't drink. SER that pic was too funny! :)
