Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chicago Woman Sued over Twitter about Landlord

On May 12, Amanda Bonnen posted this comment on Twitter about the company that mananged her apartment building: "Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you? Horizon realty thinks it's okay."

In response, Horizon Group Management LLC has filed a libel lawsuit against Ms. Bonnen seeking $50,000 in damages.,cst-nws-twitter28.article

Jeffrey Michael, whose family has run Horizon for more than 25 years, said, "We're a 'sue first, ask questions later' kind of an organization."


kkdither said...

Maybe they should sue themselves? I don't see how publicly stating that you are a sue first, ask questions later kind of company can be good for your reputation.

More free speech intrusion and the stifling and swaying of perceptions.

OrbsCorbs said...

Someone on the Journal Times site called me an idiot. Where's my lawyer? Where's my money? Waa-waa-waa!

kkdither said...

The law offices of Corbs, Zoltar and Dither would be happy to represent you for a small retainer fee. ;>

hale-bopp said...

Well, I have long been more scared of corporations stifling free speech than the government and they seem to do little to alleviate my concern.