-- The Sheriff
A local piece of crap was busted at the North Beach Oasis for repeatedly kicking a leashed dog in the stomach. It wasn't even his dog. He was supposedly walking it for someone else.
I find it difficult to express my feelings about these kinds of people without getting very offensive myself. They are of the same breed as those who abuse children. Of course. our criminal "justice" system will do the right thing and this waste of skin will be back in the news again, preying on others weaker than him.
Then we will blame society and party downtown.
EDIT: Here's his picture from his MySpace page:

Ooo, what a hard ass!
The news is so depressing lately. I'm really sorry that I fell for that cheap JT subscription. I think I'm better off not knowing.
I read about the sex offender who was recently released and attempted to re-offend at a bus stop with a teenage girl.
What are we coming to? Should we be expecting fire and brimstone? It is beginning to read like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Nothing that tastefully designed artisan shops can't take care of.
I went to the website, found a link someone posted to his myspace page. Eminem is his hero. It is an eyeful. This guy is really something else. The homes on Silent Sunday are big, expensive homes. Makes you wonder how a piece of shit like this, at 21 years old, all gang tattooed up come from that?
These tough guy wannabes admire and emulate the thug lifestyle. Why don't they enlist and learn how to really be tough guys? Because they're really cowards.
I was just reading the JT article and blog on this story and saw a comment by WINGER. He stated dogs are "Wingless Angels sent by God"
That to me, is one of the BEST descriptions I have EVER heard of about Pets.
I rarely agree with Winger but, that statement could not be ignored. It is truly accurate.
There was a video on the news a few weeks ago from Florida which showed a guy breaking a car window grabbing a small dog and throwing it on the ground. Meanwhile, his girlfriend appeared to try and stop him. The dog (at that time) survived.
Police were asking for clues in the case. They also should have said to the girl involved, if he did that to a dog, imagine what he will do to you when he gets angry. Hopefully she turned the bastard in.
Too bad with the guy in Racine that the dog didn't chew him up.
I say let the punishment fit the crime. Put him on a leash on his hands and knees and let someone five times bigger in him kick him repeatedly in the stomach. Then tattoo the words "I kick dogs" across his forehead.
Nothing more than a POS that deserves to have his ass beat plain and simple. My 3 rules in life, don't mess with the eldery/disabled, kids or animals. You do you deserve to get nailed to the wall! Sorry I get very touchy with these subjects since I work with injured, abused, neglected animals. Just give me a tazer, I'll solve the problem :)
Barbara, I was just over at mom's and we talked about this. She suggested exactly the same thing you did: put him on a leash on all fours and kick him in the stomach. Of course, these suggestions come from a generation that raised their children to respect life and treat others with dignity, so of course they're wrong.
Personally, I'd say throw him into a pit full of angry and vicious dogs.
As the proud owner of a rescue beagle who was kicked and beaten I feel for this dog and hope this bad ass wannabe gets whats coming to him. Hope he treats his girl and outside children better than this poor dog, but I bet he dosent.
rumor has it that up here they call them "Blanket Parties"
What you do is wait for the person to come out of a bar, and throw a big blanket over them, and kick the shit out of em. Funny thing is NOBODY know's a thing.
I think the cop should have tazered him after the first kick in front of him.
Jerk! Big man.. beating up an innocent
This is Sassa (with the T-Shirt!) I think Racine needs my help. Someone should do something. You are right...don't mess with animals, old people, children, churches, cemeteries.
When he's on all fours, why limit the kicking to his stomach?
Nice myspace page this piece of shit has. And someone actually posted the message 'free my Matt, I want him out' or something equally stupid.
It would be hard to see this jackass in public and resist the urge to take a Louisville Slugger to various body parts.
To everyone who is necessitating their random comments with disparaging remarks towards Matt of Silent Sunday Ct:
1. Do you know, one-hundred percent- that Matt came from Silent Sunday Court, with big homes and everything he ever wanted?
2. Are you hoping that your capricious comments will be successful in keeping animals from future cruelty, or perhaps aid Matt in becoming successful in any future human/ animal interactions?
3. Do you know, as completely as can be made known, if any of the written recounting of the Journal Times was exaggerated?
4. Has anyone ever let you off the hook, when you didn’t deserve it?
5. Is your life perfect and completely free of sin of ANY kind?
6. Have your inflammatory comments helped to make this a better world?
I know the answers to all these questions, but the real issue is DO YOU?
By the way, Matt and the dog are friends again, L0L! XD – Please do your homework be4 posting.
Anon, Maybe the dog is "friends" with him again, but what damage has he done. Because he feeds and pets him?
Dogs are very forgiving.
I, on the other hand am not. No reason for this guy to abuse a dog in front of a police officer, other people, and children. What do you think he does in private?
If you are friends with this guy, Protect your kids and pets.
fuck all yall bitches im out now yall talkin bout ill beat kids get ya minds right some of yall talkin like u gunna whoop me try it
Nice grammar.
all yall hoes post yur pics will c if ya hard ill fuck around and leave ya brains on the street lifes a gamble and im about my poker chips wats a goon 2 a goblin yall need a life ans stop jackin
Anon: obviously you are Matt or a friend of his. You can speak clearly when you choose to. You choose this ghetto behavior. Why? What are you so angry about?
I have some replies and questions to your first post. The other following posts you should be ashamed of. Looks like you have a serious anger management problem. Perhaps you should consider some professional help.
1. The police report stated Silent Sunday as his address. Does Matt lie to police too?
2. Beaten spouses often forgive and go back, only to be beaten again. If this is someones temperament, it often escalates and the behavior continues. Many psychological studies point to the fact that children who abuse animals often progress to aiming their rage at humans.
3. The Journal Times often reports things incorrectly. I read the police report.
4. One should take full responsibility for any "sins" they commit.
5. There was no need to do any further "homework" before knowing there is a problem here. Matt did all the work. It was all laid out on his website, everything he posted spoke volumes right from the horse's mouth.
6. How are you supporting Matt? Do you really think threatening to spill someone's brain is helping him? Clean up your act. Your actions are only leading you into further trouble in the future, including incarcerations. And I do recommend professional help. I think you seriously need it.
Now you can swear and threaten me. I will delete future posts if you choose that type of communication, as it is not productive. I also have the option to call the police. I have your IP address.
Check out CCAP: he got 90 days in jail (stayed), serve 30, and a year's probation. What a loser.
If this punk clown has had contact with the dog again, he is in violation of his probation. Gonna forward this blog and IPs to his PO.
The court lists his address as Silent Sunday, too. LOL. Bigshot hevyweight streetwise "gangsta" from the wealthy white suburbs: http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn6/orbscorbs/dog_kicking_punk_clown.jpg.
I have read the comment posted by Anonymous 8:49 & 11:39.
I would like to comment too them except I cannot handle the pain of sucking my brains out to get down to their level.
I would rather meet with this/these individual(s) and teach them a proper way to communicate to get there point across.
It is amazing how many ‘wannabe’s’ there are out there and cannot even “talk-the-talk” right much less “walk-the-walk”.
It is sad, these types of people will walk up some day when it is to late and they finally realized they wasted their life away.
They should have given him 30 days at the Humane Society shoveling sh##. Sounds like Anonymous needs to go there too as there is a lot of that coming out of his/her mouth. What scares me is that I think Anonymous is his girlfriend.
LOL. I didn't think you'd bump it, sheriff.
Why was it so important to somebody to comment a month later on this yahoo?
I guess I better watch out for him and his posse now: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2055/2231609549_db68b0381a.jpg
Thats what got me wondering. Why after a month, unless someone was searching to see if anything was said. I stand by my comment as well as everyone else here.
Wasn't his jail time one month? He probably couldn't reply to this until he got out. Nice human.
How does someone get away with this??? Why doesn't someone do something about this. How does his parents feel about the horrible person they raised. God, I'd change my name. I am getting real sick and tired of hearing about all the abuse of animals and nothing is done.
Sassa, 30 days in jail is doing something. He may have even learned a lesson too. "Don't do something in front of Cops that will get you jail time."
We all need to feel his pain though. You know the pain of the po down trodden rich family Wigger. The music he has listened to has taught him of the injustice he has been forced to live with. It is a travesty after all that he was born with a silver spoon inn his mouth.
Unfound, unjustified anger at his ghetto plight has given him a cause. I'm hoping that like a total dumb ass he threw away the chance for an education and didn't graduate High school. Nothing would be better than having the "boy" pay the price with menial nowhere jobs the rest of his life.
He is going to 'grow up' thinking the world owes him and if he can't get it he will take it. I find it hard to believe you can change an animal abuser. The way the world is going I'm going to clean up my...ummmmmm T-Shirt.
matt aint even in town and i kno he knows he messed up shit happends and he paid 4 it maybe he does need 2 change his ways idk
I personally know matt and the 120pound pitbull. Matt was drinking and taking pills the day that it happen. It doesn't justified what he did but he some meantal problems with that. He dosen't even remember doing it. Do you really think someone sober would kick a dog in front of a cop? It just shows what a danger drinking and taking pills is doing to your youth.I know he is not a danger to his kids or any other animal. It was a mistake of drinking and taking pills and walking a pitbull that just kept running away. He's sober by the way now
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