Friday, July 17, 2009


I offer the above for informational purposes only. Obviously, I do not use this product (at least, not yet), so I neither approve nor disapprove of it.


  1. Do they also make the companion product "tush?"

    I have never found the need for this! The inventor must have been using the product defined in the urban dictionary.

  2. seriously?????

    Wait... that's not all! If you order in the next 10 minutes you can get the TUSH free!! Free shipping. Hurry! Offer expires soon!

    Following comment deleted by someone that rolls her eyes at things like this thinking someone would actually use this. WT****?

  3. $39 for a small plus shipping. I think you could buy a pool float tube the kids play with and ut 6" off, for your own Kush support.

  4. Do they have a vibrating model?

  5. How about a one that is shaped like a hand? Aaaaah...brings back memories!

  6. This still floors me. I bet instead of PAYING the $55 plus shipping and handling, men would pay YOU to perform this service.

    Might be a ladies recession recovery income generator if your job situation goes south? Ahhhh, never mind, I'm sure it would be illegal to accept payment.

  7. Charlie likes to stay warm and cozy when he sleeps at night, so he might be available for the, uh, position.

    I wonder if anyone makes support for those of us endowed with large bellies?

  8. I"m not going to touch this one...

  9. I've seen some women that the only thing that could keep their boobs separated while they slept is a 3 ton jack.
