We have been reported for a violation of terms of service, for alleged link spamming. (I assume this is for Huck's blogs on the Racine Post's story about the Hispanic Center - but it wasn't filed until just now, because it's really in retaliation for my recent comments here and on the Post.) We have requested a review. Until the powers that be at Blogspot make a ruling, bloggers on this site must fill out a CAPTCHA form if they want to post a blog, to prove that you are not a machine spamming the Racine Post.
It's worth noting that we have been linking to stories on the Racine Post for over a year, as well as carrying three links to them on our sidebar. Those, apparently, were not spam. But, now, suddenly, they are. Because...? Because Dustin or Pete said so, I guess.
We could conceivably lose the site.
That's Positively Racine!
ADDENDUM: In the comments below, Dustin Block of the Racine Post denies any connection to this site being charged with a terms of service violation. I accept that.
This is crazy! I am confused...
I think racinepost is losing it. They started out ok, but they've evolved into crap, IMHO.
When you post a link to a Racine Post story in one of our blogs, it also shows up as a link at the end of the story on their site. To be honest, I wasn't even aware of this until fairly recently. I just post links to the stories I am referencing, whether on the Journal Times, Racine Post, Journal Sentinel, whatever.
If I understand this, the Post is claiming that we are linking to their stories to spam them. It's just retaliation for my comments on their bias in reporting. Very, very sad
An alternative, in case you lose this.
I know someone that has a chainmaille site through them. Don't know how exactly it works, but I think it's free.
They do have limited space for pics and stuff.
example: http://corvuschainmaille.ning.com/
Oh boy....what a mess.
I don't know about blogger, orbs, but in wordpress, that is a setting you can change...you can turn off those automatically generated links. If they turn them off in blogger, that would solve their problem, right?
KRINGLE! Them bastards! What babies!
Orbs, you weren't the only one calling them on their actions.
Hale, I just checked. Figured I deactivate it and we'd be set. The onus is on them. We can only control whether or not OUR blogs show backlinks, in which case they can do the same.
kk, don't be so "negative."
This is how we get things done in Racine, see, this is how it REALLY works.
boy, sure reminds me of our days at the 'old place', all we want to do is play nice in the sand box and they have to keep throwing it...
didn't 'they' start out there too? I smell a conspiracy here, weren't we all friends?
or am I just naive?
Liz, didn't we feed him a brat at our picnic? Nice thank you for that.
I figured it was a setting on their end to stop the links.
It totally reminds me of the same old JT tactics. Underhanded, sneaky methods to control the internet and free speech. And why not? Their actions of late mimic their "rivals" to a tee.
I seriously believe that the mayoral election tipped it. Racine Post is now the official mouthpiece for the elitists.
When you stand up to a bully, they inevitably turn to dirty deeds.
How incredibly petty.
yes, Pete came to our 1st annual summer picnic, and I thought we all got along very well. When did it change? Have they personally contacted anyone about any problems with us in attempt to resolve any issues like grown ups? again, maybe naive, but it seems like the neighborly thing to do ;(
What a crock of BS. Link spamming is putting links to the JTI site out there. Not linking their site to us.
I apologize folks, I thought The Post was more mature, and now we see it is less mature than the JT. Who would have thought? If need be I'll throw myself on my sword for this site. Huck Finn isn't as important as the JTI.
Interesting to note, they had to stop their police beat due to plagiarism. Thinking about it though, this could even be a retaliation from the Beckerphile. I think those guys are much more pissed than the Post could, would, or should be.
Well, the official version is that bots detected the link spamming, but that would hardly be possible at the rate of a few links a week. I've been reading up on this real quick. Link spamming is usually done by programs at a very high rate, spamming up boards all over the place. One or two links is not going to trigger any warnings.
Again, I don't KNOW, but I posted a "negative" comment on the Racine Post's story about the triathlon. Then Dustin posted the story about comments, specifically mentioning the triathlon. I made more "negative" comments on that story and linked to it here. Next thing I knew, I was getting a message directing me to a link spamming link and telling me that the board is now considered spam. Obviously, both we and the Post are hosted by Blogspot. Just way too much "coincidence" when you consider the activities and comments of the past few days.
Btw, Huck, I blame you for nothing. If it comes to it, we'll just start another site. Maybe one with personal messaging.
I DON'T stand down from bullies. I hope no one else here does, either.
And if I even for one second suspect that the Becker bullshit has anything to do with this, I will post those damn pics of aldermen schmoozing with the pervert faster than you can say delete. And not here. I'm not a f**king idiot. There are sites on the web that just want you to upload images anonymously. They are actively fighting ANY and ALL attempts to censor or trace their content. Based overseas. I belong to another site that makes this one look like kids farting in a bathtub. Those pics will be up and links will appear everywhere in the goddamn city.
WTF? We have nothing to do with this. If anything, you're the one spreading garbage about us.
I have NO idea what you're writing about or talking about. If we're somehow messing with your site, let me know and we'll fix it. If not, well, delete this post and knock it off.
I DON'T stand down from bullies. I hope no one else here does, either.
You should know the answer to that one orbs... we all are survivors of the JT and the BS there. We will prevail over this. Pete is saying on their site that they don't know anything about this.... wait, what is that awful odor???? Don't believe it is kids farting in the tub.
Someone call 911. Not me...I'm armed. LOL
C'mon, Dustin, fess up. How is it that Huck linked a few times to one of your stories and you kept deleting it? Fine, like I said, I don't care about backlinks, but obviously you do. Then I've been riding your ass about your bias on the Post, I no sooner post a blog here that links to your site, and suddenly we are accused of link spamming by our common host and our site is threatened for violation of terms of service.
Yeah, and Becker was at the mall to buy underwear for his wife, too.
God, he even comes on here and tells me to delete my blog on our site. The opinion police.
Well guess this week is THE WEEK to piss people off hey Orbs! I have done an outstanding job myself, think people are beginning to be irritated because the frigging truth hurts and they don't want to hear it?
Are you making this up? I have no idea what you're talking about. I like this site, and I really support you all. But you're picking a fight I can't help you with. If you're serious about fixing this, call me. I sent my phone number to your email.
Dustin, every author on our site has received the same message from Blogspot. I don't control Blogspot. I never talk to them. But someone must have. I'm sick of this whole damn game.
I'm not interested in talking to you. If any of our other administrators are, I'll give them your telephone number, with your permission.
I've got better things to do than play games. I'm waiting to hear from Blogspot. They're the only ones I want to talk to.
Orbs, We had nothing to do with this. We LIKE your blog. We SUPPORT your blog. We LINK to your blog. We'd never report it as spam. Please, pass my number on to whoever you'd like so we can get this straightened out.
Boy the bullshit in Racine is so juvenile somedays, can't we all frigging play nice and get along? (well most of us, hey how about some of us) There's more crap to worry about in the world than blogs and links sheesh
'K, I don't think you'd come on here sucking up if you were behind it. I'm not trying to raise a stink for the hell of it or blame you for something that you didn't do. It just is extremely suspicious, the way things went down. We just had an issue with you and backlinking. I still can't understand why we would be cited for link spamming unless someone bitched - and we don't link but to a few sites in the blogs. I didn't even know what link spamming was until this afternoon. For the nonce, we have to fill out a visual confirmation form to post blogs. Fine. Supposedly they will review us within two days.
Btw, Dustin, I can speak only for myself. I will accept that the Post wasn't behind this - primarily because what little I know about you indicates that you are an upright guy. (Just between you and me, never tick off kk. She holds a grudge longer than the devil himself.)
Thanks, Orbs. Let me know if we can do anything. We're really happy to see you guys doing well and appreciate you all knocking us around in the comments. Keeps us honest.
Someone might have linked the Becker blogs to several sites. That might have done it too.
I hope this gets resolved soon. There is no way I'm losing this site!
Ok, orbs, I read that comment at 8:35. You're now on my grudge list! ;>
I'm glad to see Dustin coming forward. I really hope this is all resolved. Someone had to do this. I agree orbs, the timing was highly suspect.
And I'll even admit...just like an elephant, I never forget and if warranted, I'm pretty good at holding a grudge...
Thank you, Dustin.
Who said I was paranoid? WHO?
Huck, that's a thought, too.
Does anyone know, do the link-spamming-detection bots count every site that you link to in a blog, or only the ones that produce a backlink? Does it have to be an active link or just a URL address? Are embedded YouTube videos considered links? We have a lot of those.
Hey, Mme. Zoltar, you were just posting about web bots. What do you know?
This doesn't have anything to do with "The Pictures" does it? I am a bit confused about all of this.
I sent you an E-Mail.
I step out for a few after posting Johnny Cash and all hell breaks loose. I need all you loonies, even you Huck, so I hope this gets resolved.
No, I don't think so, CC. I've replied to your message.
My account is suddenly fine. I thought it was going to be awhile. I should have taken more screenshots.
Is everyone else's account OK? That is, when you log in, there's no warning on your dashboard about the site, and when you go to post a new blog, you don't have to fill out a visual confirmation form?
That was weird.
All looks good now...the warning is gone from my dashboard.
Yes, I believe that I fixed everything.
No charge for you, my dearies.
Thank you, Madame Z.
SER got some screenshots that I didn't:
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