I'm bumping this blog because Racine Uncovered is now more fully up and running. Check it out.
Originally published July 1:
A Racine blogger who has been very active on the Journal Times site, and who successfully worked to have a state law changed, has started a website entitled Racine Uncovered:
She goes by the username "racineres" on the Journal Times site and has been a tireless advocate for a law and order approach to crime in Racine. Like me, she has been spending time listening to the local police scanner. I have been stunned to realize how much police activity and crime in Racine goes unrecognized and unreported. It is an almost constant battle that our civic "leaders" just ignore, apparently in the hope that it will go away. Of course, I have been "whining" about this for years. Rather than address the crime issue, our "leaders" distract the citizens with smoke, mirrors, and parties.
In any case, it looks like "racineres" has launched a site that will address the very real issue of crime in the very real Racine that most of us live in (except for our "leaders" who live in a crime-free artists' colony). Doesn't ANYONE in City Hall think that it's odd that local people are starting blogs because our official media do not report the truth in this city? How many alternatives to the official lies have to be launched before our "leaders" address this issue?
I, for one, am fed up with bearing the brunt of criminal activity just so some Docker-wearing swine can glut themselves in a personal downtown Neverland paid for with tax dollars.
Go, "racineres," go, go, go!
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12 hours ago
holy chit orbs! thanks for the compliment (yeah it's me racineres) don't know how I am going to pull this off (wonder if they have perfected human cloning yet) but I am going to give it a shot, I also talked to the Guardian Angels in Chicago today to try to get a chapter started here... Thanks for the vote of confidence! as you always say party on! Just be patient will take a wee bit of time to get this totally up and running!
Maybe you should talk to the people at http://racinenews.org/ about combining your talents? Blogging is easy, reporting is hard work. It's a huge undertaking for just one person. Be careful about burnout. There is no shame in trying and failing - there is only shame in not trying. I had doubts about this site when we started. Now I can't imagine life without the JTI.
Very nice website. I've left a comment there... awaiting moderation. Racineres, please link to us too. As orbs said, you think someone would say, "What is going on that citizens feel the need to start all these blogs to have their voices heard?"
I refuse to post on the JT site and be censored. That is why most of us are here: to spread the truth without worry of making it acceptable to the powers that be. I agree orbs, while much of what we do is fun and games, I would never want to lose this outlet.
I also uncovered another cool link you might like to add to your blog roll which lists unpaid fines, warrants and felony warrants:
Keep Racine Sound
You guys are link right at the top of the list (right hand side) Sending them an email more "everyday" people work together changes can be made little by little
I remember the huge, huge sense of relief I finally felt when my sponsor in AA said, "Why don't you just tell the truth? It's so much easier and helpful."
Hey, Beckerphile, does this sound familiar? "Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way. They are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty. There chances are less than average. There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest." You learned it in rehab, you pig. Now how about being a man and living it?
Looks good Racineres.
I also added a link from my site to yous under favorite links.
Stevie’s Website
from my site to yous
That's some of my gooder english.
I have stated from day one that Dickert is a joke for mayor of Racine. He has already proven himself useless and is only worried about looking "cute".
Party on while you serve the FIBS free appetizers on their boats sir.
It's the same clique of McSnoots and Vander Moneyshits that has been running things all along. Their last hero turned out to be a child molester, but it hardly caused a hiccup in the hijacking of a city. Always talking about attracting new people to Racine, the "right kind of people," always ignoring the people who were born and raised here. Never accepting or working with the people who built this town with blood and love - always posturing and pointing to outsiders as our saviors. They just got a million dollars in "free money" to rehab the west side platform on the State St. choo-choo station. What they don't tell you is that the station itself has a burglar alarm on it that rings almost constantly because of break-ins. We pay and pay and pay for this. Listen to the police scanner and learn the TRUTH about Racine, Wisconsin, the city stolen from its residents by elitist pigs.
It is really tough to listen to the scanner. It reminds me of the feudal attempt to enforce policies in the schools.
Some kids dress in very inappropriate, sexy or gang related clothing, electronics abound, language is disgusting, kids wander the halls instead of going to class, fights are a daily occurrence... and not much can be done about it.
We (much like the police) are given these things to try to enforce, while no backing from above is taking place. You can't expel all the offenders.... We must keep these kids in school by law.
In the real world, it is the same thing. You can't lock up all the bad guys. The system couldn't handle it.
Now we are talking about fireworks violations? Are you kidding me, they are seriously spending time and money going after that???? There are shootings happening almost daily. How can they even think that they can control fireworks? It is a joke. It is a ruse to make you feel like something is really being done.
Good luck Racineres, on your new venture! Hope it goes well! I think a lot of crime in Racine goes unreported due to the fact that some of us are immune to it or too scared to do anything about it.
I have blogged before about what is going to happen as newspapers decline and we need other sources of info. Projects like this, even if they don't ultimately succeed, might help us get closer to the answer.
With that being said, I hope you succeed!
Remember the movie Papillon? We need an island to all the thugs on the same way as the French did, except no guards and give them all guns and ammo. Then let those “tough” guys fend for themselves!
Ok guys, its running so to speak (not putting detailed information in relating to every crime, just the crime itself) I am not putting in traffic violations, noise complaints, dogs barking. Just the more serious stuff. I would welcome any and all feedback. I can't read everyones minds as to what they want to see (well we know its not what the JT is posting about crime) So let me know your thoughts....Things will change till I get everything right :)
It is good to see it out there, racineres. Lots of stuff happening that people are unaware of.
And that's just the stuff that is reported to the police. A lot of it isn't.
Racineres, where are you getting your police briefs?
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