Monday, July 27, 2009

Slang and short comments.......

Beginning in the early ‘60’s and continuing today, what “slang” or “short comments” do you remember?

This is just a couple I do:

Harry...something that was a ‘close call’ people would say, “That was Harry”.

Tune in, turn on and drop out....LSD

Plastic....No not Michael Jackson, but a term used as someone who didn’t fit your way of thinking. "He's plastic


  1. Something about Herb...... Don't know if that was from the 60's or not..

  2. Hang a luey meant to turn left. And there was one I think about switch a bitch which meant to do a u-turn.

  3. "Your a good egg"=Your a good person.

    "You don't know shit from fat meat"=You know little

    "You can't put friends in the bank"=Don't expect your friends to pay your way through life.

  4. Far out.

    Right on.

    It's hard to tell when some slang began. "Cool" has been around a long time. In the 60's, to rap meant to talk. I'm sure I use a lot of slang unconsciously, but I'm having difficulty bringing it to mind; I mean, other than swearing.

  5. Wicked
    Limo - Hooptee - ride - beater, all names for your car.
