Anonymous said...
Pardon all, I have posted this on the Racine Post website. Thought you all should know. Thank you.
To Dustin and Pete:
Tomorrow I will be calling the Journal Times for this tip I am about to give you regarding Gary Becker.
Gary Becker (and an unknown friend) has bought a foreclosed home located at 1019 Kingston Ave.
He is dumping all kinds of money into the home (Appx. 15-20 thousand dollars by his own admission) in an attempt to fix it up and sell it.
He is there from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM every day and has been there for the last 5 weeks working on the home.
Current Alderman Coe is constantly at the home as well working on it (prior to his heart or chest related problems last night where he was taken by an ambulance from city hall) with Becker.
My concerns are this:
(1) Where is this guy getting the money to fix this home up and what person in their right mind who may be facing years and years in prison would be doing this? Is their a side deal already in place with the DA's Office in which he knows he will only be getting probation??
(2) Becker has gone out of his way to shake hands with all the neighbors in the area telling them who he is and what his intentions are with the home. Is this guy so arrogant that he has no shame in being seen in this city?? Reaching out to the neighbors in the area making sure they know who he is??
(3) there are many, many young girls (ages 10-15) that live in the area who I believe may be at risk.
(4) Checking city hall records, there is NO MENTION that Gary Becker bought the foreclosed home and that he is the current property owner. The property owner is shown as Federal Home Loans or something like this. Why????? My mortgage company still owns my home, but my name appears in the city records. Who's going to loan this guy over 100,000 dollars knowing their is a big chance he will be going to prison and unable to pay the loan back???
(5) How is it that a current alderman (Coe) can still have contact with this guy?? Are there city regulations prohibiting this until he is found either guilty or innocent at trial?? Ethics issues???
(6) What are his conditions of bond?? Can he be around young girls on a constant/daily/routine basis?? Can he be in possession of a cell phone that could be an avenue for him to have questionable images on it??
Please feel free to go to 1019 Kingston avenue and interview Mr. Becker and ask him these questions and whatever other questions you might have.
The telephone number on the "For Sale by Owner" sign in the front yard of the home is 414-651-6538 if you want to call him and ask him about the house for sale.
I feel REALLY uncomfortable about him being in my neighborhood day in and day out.
Something doesn't seem right with this. Am I paranoid?? YOU BET, and I have good reason to be based on his pending charges.
Here is your chance to beat the JT to this story.
Thank you.
July 8, 2009 9:59 PM
Wow.... just Wow.
I often think of Dustin's comment about a former editor &/or employer who told him that Racine is a "newsy town." LOL
Anyway, I've been saying for months that the Beckerphile will squirm out of this; most likely, the majority of the charges will be dismissed and he will receive a slap on the wrist for asking a city employee to fix his personal computer.
Thank you for posting this info for me. I know there isn't much I can do about him being in my neighborhood, but this is really weird and uncomfortable for my family and I.
Now I won't let my 12 year old daughter go outside and ride her bike back and forth in front of our home. This pisses me off to no end.
It took me 5 weeks to figure out it was Becker due to the fact that he lost a ton of weight.
I am pissed at myself for not figuring this out sooner.
Thank you again.
All this behind the scenes contact with Becker by the aldermen needs to be made public.
Jeff Coe while I understand he needs the money, should look for other ways to earn it besides hanging with Becker everyday.
Sandy Weidner needs to stop discussing city business with Becker.
Friedel needs to stop all communication with Becker especially now that he's the city administrator.
Did you know that Becker has been bragging that making Friedel city admin was his idea? Makes me ill.
Anon 1:26 AM.
You're welcome. Anything I can do to out a pedo.
"You're only as sick as your secrets" is something I hear in AA all the time. By that measure, Racine is very sick. This city has had a pedo juvenile judge and pedo priests that were never called on their behavior. The Beckerphile might just be the latest in a long and distinguished line of pedo "leaders" in Racine.
The Beckerphile's easy access to the current city administration should give everyone pause.
I also find it ironic that the house he is working on is located less than a mile from 2 of the best artists that I know in Racine. Both lifelong residents who have put over 40 years each into perfecting their craft, both nationally recognized, and both shunned by the Beckerphile artsy-fartsies who currently arbitrate the local "arts" scene. We import "art" and "artists" from outside of Racine (to the tune of $55K for the metal insult installed in Uptown), while ignoring homegrown talent.
Party on!
Well, it's 7:50 AM and he's outside working on his "new" house. I really hope that Dustin and Pete work on this story.
I also left an anonymous message with Rob Golub about the story at the JT. I don't know anything about Golub, but I hope they also go to the home and question Becker about his doings. He's (Becker) so outgoing and eager to talk to everyone out here in the neighborhood (I refused), let him talk to the media!! I'm starting to wonder if the neighbors don't really know who he is because of his extreme weight loss?? He comes up to you and says "Hi, I'm Gary" but he doesn't say his last name. Why are they talking to this guy?? I don't get it.
Thank you again Orbs. Truly.
People are saying there's nothing they can do, or they won't let their kids outta the house. Oh no, you all can make it very well known to him that everyone knows who is his, HE IS NOT WELCOME ANYWHERE in this town and if he goes near any young adult then he better hope the cops get their quicker than a parent protecting a child.
What I would like to know he is still legally married going through a divorce. You cannot buy, sell, get a loan, or a credit card during this time frame, its part of the "law of the land" in divorce court. Wonder if the courts know about this too. Did he disclose all of his financial assets to family court? Does his future ex-wife know what he's doing (she is legally half responsible for any financial dealings even during the divorce) Is this property now listed in their divorce as an asset and has an appraiser come thru? Wonder if Gary is being truthful about what he's up to and if the courts know and give a darn.
someone give his future ex-wifes attorney a heads up to his "making racine a pretty place to live in"? A real estate transaction, this could get very interesting...
Pete from the Racine Post is now talking with Gary Becker at 1019 Kingston Avenue.
Pete also has his camera with him and he is taking notes feverishly.
Thank to all who helped!!
Especially Orbs!
DUDE!!! Well I posted this on my site linking it right back to you!
Wonder where the JT is? Wonder what his "friends" are thinking right now?
Pete is still interviewing Becker.
He has just taken a photograph of Becker standing proudly in front of his "new" home.
I'm about to puke!!!
Looks like the JT wants no part of this.
Thank you Racine Uncovered!
Should be interesting to see this play itself out. He certainly seems to have staying power and the support from those still in charge. The good ole boy mentality is hard to knock down.
It is so wrong that some people can walk all over the law, while others pay extreme costs for small infractions. Is it ever really about the kids? Does anyone really care, or is everyone too busy covering their own ass or kissing someone else's?
Listening to their conversation, I heard Becker say something like "I'm not worried, they know the address now" or something similar to this.
What does that mean???
Racine post and Orbs, as soon as this story breaks, it will be linked from my site. Parents needs to know whats going on, if I lived in that area with my daughters, I would be camped out on the sidewalk (public property) with a sign saying "Accused Child Sex Offender Bought This House"
I also heard Pete ask Becker about an "Alderman" being around his new property. I'm thinking he was possibly asking about Coe. I could not hear what Becker's response was.
Damn it!!
I hope they are asking Becker who is still talking to that is a government official
Anyone living and or home in that block needs to be out showing Becker they know who he is and he's not welcome
If in fact he publically states who in government he is still buddies with all hell is going to break lose at the next city council meeting, because I will be there ripping them all apart. Remeber Beckers motion hearings are coming up (I will actual report on that one)
The next city council meeting is july 21 at 7 pm. If in fact it comes to light that elected officials are still communicating with Becker they should immediately step down. I will be there insisting on it (should we start a bail fund) It could get loud! Hey then I can put myself under police calls :)
patience is not one of my greatest virtues, can someone give us a news flash?
I have no patience either, what's up?
Arghhhh!!!!! No new news YET!?? I'm going down to Joeys for a beer.
I just called Jeff Coe to ask about this but his phone went to voice mail. I talk to Coe fairly often and find it incredibly hard to believe he would be helping Becker. Honestly, I find it hard to believe he hasn't beaten the snot out of Becker.
Jeff is extremely family oriented. He is incredibly protective of his daughters. And, he was fighting with Becker all during the Tingle firing, outsourcing the IT dept. and many other things. Jeff, just like so many others, found himself outside of Becker's circle and at odds with Becker more and more in the last couple of years.
If he's been there maybe it's to snoop?
For me, I'm just calling him to ask directly before making any assumptions and public statements that could hurt him for no good reason.
Please, remember you cannot un-ring a bell. So, before you guys go too far with this please check the facts first. Being in a hurry to break a story is not an excuse to post things that are not true.
The story is up at the Racine Post.
Thank you for your post, Kay. If you get more information, please keep everyone informed. A lynch mob mentality is never the correct path. We do not want that on our site either.
I think people are just infuriated that he continues to walk around like he owns the city. Most of us read the trash and criminal messages he sent to what he thought was a child. Yet he still walks free among us and our children.
I also think everyone is appalled that this is deemed acceptable. Why doesn't the newspaper follow this? Why do some officials choose to ignore, or worse yet, possibly assist him?
Thanks DA. Just read it, had to comment. What a piece of crap.... and doesn't he look proud? See for yourself Racine Post
I can't believe that Pete at the Post seemed so supportive of Becker. And, I was basically told to mind my own business because I don't live in the city. Because, obviously crime doesn't cross city limits. What a joke. Becker set up a meet in Brookfield--hello.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think it's very abnormal for Becker to say he's not losing any sleep over any of this.
Still waiting to get through to Jeff.
I can see it now, “My Life as a Mayor”. I would not doubt if the asshole writes a book how he f**ked over the people of Racine!
racineuncovered/beth said...11:01am
I agree with you 100%. Any city official communicating with him (Becker) should be removed from office.
Next time I will take a picture of Coe and post it here. I know who Jeff Coe is, it was him. He also had a large Red van in the driveway of Becker's home and it said "Coe" something or another on the side of it. It was a work van, does he do home repairs on the side??
I am now pissed off that Pete made a mockery of my anonymous tip about this story.
It's refreshing to know that Becker already has probation lined up as punishment.
Fuck this city and it's crooked Govt. I am through giving out tips. If no one else cares, why should I??
Thanks again Orbs and Racine Uncovered. Truly.
Coe, if your reading this, I will be taking pictures of you at the address if you return. My guess is you will not now that Becker got this free advertisement for his home.
What a sick, sick man---doing what he did and saying he isn't losing any sleep. I know he isn't convicted yet and has a right to try to earn money for his defense and living expenses, but I am so disgusted with his attitude (no remorse, sleeping well and just as slick as ever) that I could puke. Orbs, I know you are right, he will just get a slap on the wrist!
Wow, I had this big, long reply typed out and I lost it.
I had to go out of town today.
You're welcome, again, Anonymous 9:07 PM.
I agree with others that the story in the Post is "weird." The whole situation is. Becker has not been convicted (and I strongly suspect that he won't be convicted of much, if anything), but as a commenter on the Post said, we all know he was at that mall to meet a 14 year old girl. It is strange, and very disturbing to some, to have someone with such a predilection puttering away in a nice residential neighborhood, especially someone as notorious as Becker.
And, no, I'm not disappointed that Becker is not suffering or wearing a hair-shirt - I don't spend much time thinking about him except when something like this comes up.
Want to know what's really weird? Last night I was on another site when I had this sudden "feeling" that I should check out the JTI site. I came here, saw logjam's blog, read it and clicked on the comments. There was Anonymous' comment. I read it and was stunned. The time on the comment was 9:59 PM. I looked at the clock in the corner of the screen: 10:01 PM. Two minutes after the comment was posted. I had that weird feeling again and a chill ran down my spine. I wondered if I should post it? Was it true? Then I thought about the synchronicity of events and stopped questioning things. Basically, I copied and pasted the comment. It was 10:04 PM. I edited in the screenshots and links later.
Has anyone taken a journalism class? It is very important to use alleged, and accused at every point of stating something bad about someone. He "might be" the lowest form of scum, but until he is convicted, he can claim libel and defamation of character. When he gets all of the charges dropped except for a misdemeanor, he can sue the snot out of you.
We may think we know and believe we know, but stating what he hasn't been convicted of can lose your house.
I don't have a house. I don't have any money. I have a 13 year old truck and a 3-1/2 year old cat. He can have the truck. I'll fight him for the cat, though.
I think he's more of a dog person so I don't think you have to worry about the cat.
To racineres: You mentioned that you were beat up on another site and couldn't understand why. I think it happened because you have been hitting the nail on the head and they see you as a major threat. I believe they think if they attack you like that, you will stop and go away. Don't take it personally. DON'T STOP!
It's ok been beat up worse but at least people who have the guts to post who they are. I found it amusing after I woke up enough with my coffee, guess whomever this person is thought I was bragging and gossiping because I became very vocal after the charges were file against becker and threatened to recall his butt out of office and then went to a city council meeting and warned all of them that we are watching, we will support them but we also put them in office. Guess to me bragging would be I WON THE POWERBALL.... (no bragging today hee hee), it was surprising on the post story. I took it as how great this man is doing, he's not worried about anything and it was a big real estate ad. I can see Cafferty using that in court saying look he's doing great he's cured. Oh well stuff happens
anon, sorry I am really waking up and I'm pissed....You did the right thing, you felt a possible threat in your neighborhood, where you family lives where you own you home, I would to start to question and publically ask WTF is going on. I would feel your frustration and let down too about how things were handled. But you don't stop trying to do the right thing.
I too with many others from Racine am discussed with the actions of Gary Becker and his cronies.
I have read in blogs people wonder where he gets his money, to me, it doesn’t matter where. BUT it matters to me how damn arrogant he is and how people are slowly forgetting how nasty he was/is.
I have posted the complete Criminal Complaint from the Racine District Attorneys Office.
I believe it is a good refresher for many of us to read it. I do have to caution you the language maybe offensive to some of you, but it is reality and we need not to forget what a piece of work Becker really is.
You can view the complaint at: Becker Criminal Complaint
Well, I don't know if anyone is still following the comments here, but I said I would get back and I am.
I have called Jeff Coe's number so many times I'm afraid anymore would be considered harassment. I have not gotten through, and earlier tonight was the first time I could leave a message.....I think his voice mail has been pretty full.
Anyway, I talked to someone else who said that Coe takes sides jobs to make up for his lost wages and he might very well have taken the job for John Becker, the brother who is putting up the money, because he didn't do anything wrong...Not the way I would think if I were Coe!
Anon July 9, 2009 9:07 PM,
If you see Coe again you should take a picture. I think each and every person who is assisting Becker should be exposed and have their feet held to the fire.
And, I mean each and every single one, including others not over there doing remodeling jobs but still in contact with the egotistic pedo.
I think those of you who live near by should keep track of all the comings and goings regarding Becker. If you get my drift.
The complaint that SER posted contains the chat transcriptions. They are totally disgusting, considering the proposed age of this girl. If you haven't read them, take some Tums and do so. We should NEVER forget what was on this man's mind when he was apprehended at that mall. He should not be free to roam our city.
Thanks, Kay, for posting a follow up. I think I asked you to keep us informed on what you find.
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