I make it more gooder......
For those who like to use your Crock Pot, the following link has a BUNCH of receipts/recipes to try.
Crock Pot Cooking
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
SER.. Thanks for the site.. nice recipes... did you see the joke page.. very funny stuff
umm SER.... I think you meant recipes... lol sorry I thought it was funny,, not trying to be picky
SER's auto correct on his spell checker keeps me smiling...
kk... spell check has got me in trouble many times... lol
jedwis, KK,
Surprise, Surprise. RECEIPT is correct. If you were to discover VERY old cookbooks you will find they WERE called Receipts.
I have many examples. One would be a tiny booklet titles "Ransoms Receipts" from the late 1800s
wow toad... thanks for the info... i'm sorry SER.. but spell check has stilled failed me before
That damn spell checker; thanks for bail'in me out :)
Thanks for the info Toad...
jedwis... There sure is a bunch of them...made me hungry working on it.
SER... the recipes/receipts or the jokes?
Toad, you are correct. I have heard that before but forgot about it.
6. A formulary according to the directions of which things are to be taken or combined; a recipe; as, a receipt for making sponge cake.
I had to look pretty hard to find this. All the other online dictionaries have removed this historical reference.
KK: I LOVE my OLD cookbook collection. I have many (too many) little pamphlets that were given away over 100 years ago. The value of these little booklets has dropped off quite a bit but, the art work in some of them is unreal. I wish I knew how to post photos I would be glad to share some of them. A company named Rumford (baking powder) published many BEAUTIFUL booklets, and Jell-o also has MANY beautiful examples. The word RECEIPT only occurs in the REALLY early examples.
I'm thining MORE GOODER got me!!!
I gave up on cooking just for me. My kids hate everyting I cook...EWWW WHAT THIS...it's all I here...fine eat your cereal! I'M DONE!
I also have old old cook books. I have one with a fantastic Boston Cream pie sponge cake receipt. It uses EIGHTEEN eggs. Talk about a jolt of cholesterol. Very good though.
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