That happened in Milwaukee. A kid on a bicycle crossed against a light and was hit by two vehicles. It is only a matter of time before a similar headline appears in Racine media. I have close calls with bicyclists almost every day. Very few of them obey any traffic laws.
Yesterday, I came to a complete stop on Lake Ave. as a bicyclist headed straight for my truck, in the middle of the lane, against traffic. He was looking back at a friend on another bike. He suddenly looked up, saw my stopped truck, veered off at the last second, and swore at me. This is typical.
Last week, I almost creamed a bicyclist on Main St. who was running a red light at the intersection with 6th St. I locked my brakes and swerved into the oncoming lane to avoid him. He flipped me off.
Party on!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
When I lived in Aurora (Illinois) I saw two kids on a bike, one riding on the handlebars, run a red light and get hit. The car was trying to stop but had no chance. I was literally feet away and have my first aid/cpr so I stopped. The kids got on the bike and left as quick as they could. I waited with the driver while he called the police and gave a statement that no, he did not hit and run. Gotta cover the back of the person who did nothing wrong in case one of their parents decided to try and cash in.
The one person was driving on a revoked license, shouldn't have been on the street in the first place. Not saying that the teen wasn't being careless, but the one driver broke the law
I agree that the driver with the revoked license should not have been on the streets. You know about that all too well, racineres.
Many of our driving laws are a sad joke, and the lack of their enforcement is even sadder.
While i agree that bicyclists in Racine do not know or do not care about the rules of the road, i also notice that drivers here do not see or do not care about pedestrians and bicycles.
It's a war out there, while it should be a cooperative effort. I blame it on the lack of enforcement of traffic laws. I have had people cut me off from oncoming lanes with police officers right behind them who did nothing. When I pointed one out to a police officer, he shrugged his shoulders. Another one told me he is working on "important" crimes and can't be bothered with traffic issues. Traffic law enforcement is very, very low on RPD's priorities. Generally, it's only applied after the fact, when an accident has already occurred, or when speed traps are used to raise revenue.
It seems all of the above are correct. Traffic violations seem unimportant when you are hunting down more serious offenses. Lawlessness is the real problem.
Criminals don't pay their fines or do their time anymore anyway... only a select few (mostly good citizens) pay for their mistakes. We are outnumbered and can no longer enforce the law, and those that choose to break it, know that.
I can't wait for school to start again... these kids are way too bored.
I think the bigger issues is lack of regard and respect for other people. If you respect other people, how could you be so aloof and flippant about your behavior? Time to knock some heads together!
(ok, I've had a rough day and have no patience for kids without respect for anyone other than themselves)
Lizard, I know the feeling I have just updated 3 days worth of police calls (15 damn pages). Same neighborhoods, same calls, love the younger generation with no respect. I still wonder why I give a shit about this town
Wasn't this kid only 13 and the accident happened at 11 at night? If this is true what the hell was a 13 yr old doing on a bike without lights or parental supervison @ 11 at night? I hate to sound like a bitch(not really) but WTF people? The parents should have better control of their dam kids!
Abby...what the hell was a 13 yr old doing on a bike without lights
Making his crack deliveries
I'm just pissed he never made to my house that night!LMAO J/K
The things that make you go hummmmm??????? Dumb asses on both parts! Sure sign this generations future is f@%^&*d up!
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