Friday, August 14, 2009

Virus on Facebook

Dont open any random videos sent to you on FB today. Huge virus going around. Update your antivirus and run a scan.


  1. The venereal disease of the digital age.

  2. yep...i never open videos there anyway. But I'll do the stuff I have to.......grrrrrrrr.

  3. Can you run Norton or McAfee if you have a latex allergy?

  4. I downloaded an application and an update to an existing application recently. I always save the file to disk first so I can scan them for risks. Both came up clean.

    After I applied each, Norton Internet Security popped up saying that it was taking out trojans and spyware, and blocking hijacking attempts. Wtf?

    I've been cleaning, uninstalling and reinstallinbg stuff ever since.
