Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Could You Pass a Driving Test?

Kinda fun. Additionally, there is a sign recognition test to take.

Driving Test


OKIE said...


OrbsCorbs said...

72%. Passing, but "average."

Are they sure you're not supposed to flip the bird at a passing truck?

kkdither said...

DANG, I failed. I'm too safe! I gave pedestrians the right of way at all times and wouldn't park close enough to a stop sign. I also didn't know what color light was on top... duh. That is why they are colored! lol

Here's a fun one....(you can click past some of the demographics without divulging too much)

Road Rage Test

I'm a safe and courteous driver. :) BUT, watch out... I'm marginally aggressive and a 52.5% Road Rager! :D

MinnesotaChick said...

I failed too!

Have to say, though.. I've never seen a stop light with Purplish guava as a color! LOL

MinnesotaChick said...

Just took your road rage test, kk......


You are a Very Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 82.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver
Your Courtesy Score: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager
Your Degree of Rage: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

yikes! Don't know if that's good or bad...

Sassa said...

I got a C on my driving and a B+ (yah) on the signs. Thanks for pumping up the interest on JTIrregulars!

SER said...

I got a C-.

One of the questions, "the speed limit in a school zone", I know it's 15, so that is what I check, they say it's 20. When I took a ride today...it's 15.

Anonymous said...

School zone answer is incomplete for wisconsin. The speed is 15 mph while children are present otherwise it's the posted speed limit. Everyone who got that wrong get a muligan.

Toad said...

I got a "B"

Didn't know it was 40%
Didn't know Anti Lock Brakes
Didn't know School Zones were 20. BTW I wonder where that is?

Why Not? said...

yeah I always though School Zones were 15mph.. had no idea.. I got 83% pretty good.. I knew where the colored lights where only because my husband is color blind and that is the only way he knows whether to go or stop... makes you think why they use red and green when there are so many people who are color blind..