Ever wonder why cats sometimes attack their owners.
Some of the paint jobs cost $15,000 and had to be repeated every 3 months as the cat's hair grows out. Must be nice to have $60,000 a year just to keep your cat painted!!
Actually that is not the truth. SeePainted Cats at Snopes.com.
Hale, I can't believe what some people do to animals. Out of love or hate. When those commercials come on for animal welfare foundations, I have to change the channel. I cannot watch.
The 3rd to last pic must be Hale-Bopp's cats....... ;)
Pretty cool artwork, even if it is fake.
Fun eyecandy
The last one is creepy. I think it's the "lips."
is this the feline version of people with the tatoos and piercings?
Even though they are fake, people are insane (cats not so much). I almost fear you just gave someone what they think is a really good idea.
Hale, I can't believe what some people do to animals. Out of love or hate. When those commercials come on for animal welfare foundations, I have to change the channel. I cannot watch.
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