Friday, September 11, 2009

Florida Spider!


  1. We thought it was a Golden Orb, but it turns out to be a Golden Silk spider. The female is the larger of the two and that little squirt better behave himself or else!

    I think this should bring people just running on down to our fine state!

  2. BJ.... im sorry.. that thing looks scary... as the song goes.. I dont like spiders or snakes

  3. But such a pretty thing it is....and no, I am no fan of spiders, but not afraid of them either. I did not take this pix...a good friend of mine did. Outside of his window...the web went from his truck antenna to the phone line/electrical lines overhead. amazing

  4. Is it coming or is it going? Ick. I don't like spiders either. Makes my heart race.

    Some female spiders eat their mates after they are done doing the, ahem, necessary things...

  5. Did you see how much larger the female is than the male? The little runt better watch out!

    Spiders nor lizards scare me in the least.

  6. Really, really man-eating....LMAO. Harmless...guys, just harmless....wimps!

  7. At least it isn't a frickin' snake!

  8. Logjam-I'll take snakes over spiders any day..

  9. Ooo, a "Golden Orb" would've been great, but this one is cool, too. Poor little guy there. Hope he's up to the job.

    Spiders are cool and good for us. They eat the other nasty bugs. You always hear about Spider-Man, never about Mosquito-Man or Gnat-Man.

  10. Yeah, I was sort of excited about the golden orb thing....we'll keep looking...sure we will find the famous Golden Orb for you, Orbs!

    Most spiders are harmless ...scary looking but harmless. This one just happens to be really a cool thing to see....not too close up though.

  11. Spiders I can handle, as long as they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone.

    I just the mess they make on my basement ceiling...little bastards.

  12. We had a really downpour for most of the day today, but this evening, Mrs. Golden Silk Spider was back out there re-doing her cool to watch, from the inside of the house!!! She is a beaut.
