Sunday, September 20, 2009

Naked 91-year-old man holds drunken burglar at gunpoint until deputies arrive

In Florida, of course - where else?


  1. Maybe we should put a link under Features in the sidebar for all of the kooky Florida news.

  2. Well, let me tell you how it goes.....

  3. If that were to happen here. Mr. 91 yr old bare ass woulda been the 1 going to jail. Discharging a gun within the city limits, indecent exposure, (requiring him to register as a sex offender)and I'm sure they would come up with more charges to see that this "dangerous" individual would be in the clinker till he died.

    and lets not forget the law suits that would be brought agains't him by that poor fellow who can't habla english.....

  4. If the guy was in his house, he should have shot the bastard.
