Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yale to Publish "The Cartoons That Shook the World" - Without the Cartoons


Because they fear a violent backlash from Muslims, Yale University Press has removed cartoons from a forthcoming book about those very same cartoons [!!!], which were originally published in a Danish newspaper in 2005 and triggered protests.

And a local news source won't publish mugshots because they might contribute to "hurtful stereotypes" - never mind identifying the people in your neighborhood who are threats to you and yours.

And I was ticketed for disorderly conduct by a Racine police officer for taking pictures in a public park of punks drinking, because I "should have known" that doing something legal (taking pictures) would "make" thugs do sometning illegal (attack me).

I really think it's time for a general list of dos and don'ts to be made available to the public so that those of us who abide by the law will know how not to offend those who steal, rape, rob and murder. I am very concerned about stepping on the toes of those who want to injure and kill others.

How can we kowtow to and further enable criminals? Please, let us know.


  1. Take a pic of someone standing in front of you AND include the good stuff in the back ground. I did that in Norway. There was this central park in Oslo where they sunbathed half nude. I couldn't believe it so I took a pic of my cousin with the bathers in the back ground. It works.
