Saturday, October 17, 2009

High Power Worker

This video was submitted by Concerned Citizen.

I cannot imagine doing that. How can they possibly hold the helicopter that still?


SER said...

I I I I I I la la lal la la love ma ma ma ma my ja ja ja ja ja job. They call me sparkles for short.......

kkdither said...

That is crazy. There couldn't be any wind while doing that, that is for sure. The helicopter would get blown into those wires. I'm having a hard time believing it is real.

Lizardmom said...

there is not enough money in the world to even THINK about a job like that!

OrbsCorbs said...

I knew it was real when he said that the need for power is so great that they can't shut down the transmission lines to maintain them. We are completely dependent upon our power grid.

Anonymous said...

I saw this on Discovery Channel. It's pretty neat. But being on the wire is the same thing as bird sitting on it. They don't get zapped either. As long as he, or the bird is not grounded, there is zero voltage. You only get zapped when you complete (ground) the circuit.