I feel a stats report coming out and we've slowed down a bit.
I admit it, I have been slacking too.
I want to experiment for the rest of this year.
I am throwing out this challenge to
EACH and EVERY reader, poster, random visitor -
Let's see who can win the totally awesome,
cooler than anything,
virtual "blogger of the month" award.
(for posting, not just commenting)
(claps and cheers in the background)
Let's practice so we're ready for the challenge
to really start next month.
Can you do it?
Can you handle it?
What are you made of?????
Let's get this party started,
Ready, set, BLOG!!!!!!!!
Not sure how?
Watch for the stats report for further directions!
Coming soon!!
Let's see what creativity this brings out, I'm excited to see where this goes!
wow, so far the score is...
SER - 3
kk - 1
Where is the competition guys??
SER is going to run away with this one by a landslide!!
Cool crab!
Friday night and the weekend, it might be quiet for awhile.
Does my own blog count? :P I'm out of town for the moment. I'll be back in business soon...
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