Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time to vote!

vOTING IS NOW CLOSED. Thanks for voting and the results will be coming soon!


Who should be flipped the bird?
Jim Doyle
The weather
Brett Favre and Ted Thompson
The Racine City Council free polls


  1. Even though I nominated Doyle, at the last minute I waffled (after seeing the City Council nomination), and then voted to keep it local. My vote brought it to 6 for the City Council, with Doyle also having 6, and one each for the weather and Farve & Thompson. I may stay up all night watching the election returns. I'd count no one out at this point.

  2. May I suggest an option that says "all of the above"?

  3. Voting will remain open intil Noon on Thursday. In the event of a tie, I will cast the deciding vote.

  4. I voted for the City Council too. The weather can be nominated around here at any point. Then again, maybe so can Doyle or the CC.
