Friday, November 6, 2009

All the birds that are fit to flip - We have Winner!

In another close and bitter fight, we have reached a irregular decision on who deserves this week's honor. For conduct unbecoming a newspaper, for uneven reporting, for pushing agendas and censorship (giving rise to our little group of happy souls), for slimy journalism, intimidation and direct plagiarism, we award :

The coveted "You even ticked Grandma off" bird flip! Great Job JT.

Also, for ripping off the Racine Post, the Racine Uncovered blog, and for random snooping and sneakiness here at JTI we also present you with the editorial cartoon flip:

And the "what would my mother say?," flip o' the day.... stu, you should never encourage me!


  1. Ah, the Lying Leeches of Fourth Street, riding on the backs of hard working Racine natives to ensure that crimes committed in Racine profit their masters at Lee.

    Party on, bloodsucking barnacles!

  2. YES! Sorry but they deserve (and right now my crime map has 91 more serious crimes posted, wonder what the jt has on theirs?)

  3. I'm not sorry. There are Racine natives employed there and I wish them the best, but the Lee suits at the Journal Times are an affront to our community. In fact, they're a threat and should be treated as such: absentee landlords foisting a slum of a newspaper on us while looting our community at the expense of crime victims.

    Fuck them.

  4. We have a winner! Woo hoo!!!! I'm sitting here giving them the official finger too!

  5. I've been flipping them off for ages now...

  6. You guys forgot us! Look at all we have been through with them, the JT still cuts and pastes some of our content, but if they even think a word of our content is copied we get letters from lawyers!

  7. Racine News, you *were* included in a comment on the nomination blog. We wouldn't forget you!
