Sorry for being a day late.
Well, who ticked you off this week. Who put the steam in your kettle? Who soiled your oatmeal. Who deserves to be shown how we really feel. Nominate for the Bird Of th Week., Name and reason please.
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I nominate Racine drivers, the most ignorant lot of yahoos I've ever had the displeasure of sharing the road with. Everyday I drive at least 6 miles, three miles to mom's house, and three miles back. In that distance, I witness an average of 6 major traffic viola tons each and every day.
From blind biddies to meth-head monster trucks, I flip off other drivers all the time, and the cops who refuse to enforce traffic laws.
I would like this week's shoutout and bird go to our No Bell Piece prize wiener president, barack hussein obama for interupting his political stump to mention that our soldiers has been attacked on their own post.
I nominate George W. Bush for sneaking into Fort Hood in the middle of the night to divert attention from his administrations investigation and approval of the extremist massacre killer during the Bush term in office while illegally wiretapping law abiding citizens.
Alright, calm down everyone. I refuse to let this weekly community bird flip become a Obama vs GWB contest.
Ok logjam, then let me add the brutish, bullying administration of Racine Unified School District. My car was sniffed today by the canine unit. I am ALL FOR SAFE SCHOOLS and no weapons or drugs in the schools. HOWEVER, we were informed that the STAFF parking lot (permit required) was sniffed as well....
Hello? Are we making a strong armed statement to staff by doing a witch hunt or are we concerned with safety of students? Where else do people work where their vehicle is sniffed for drugs with no reasonable doubt of guilt?
What if my son had my car last night and was into mischief? What if I drove a friend somewhere and they lit up?
My "kettle" is as clean as a whistle, but would I be accused, forced to give blood to prove it? In my opinion, this is so, so wrong. I'm steaming....
kk, if u wanna be a truck driver....get ready for a physical every 1 or 2 years. be ready to piss in a bottle (drug test) on demand at any time.
if u want hazmat on your license..get fingerprinted and have a criminal backround check done every 4 yrs. requirements are so tight, that if spitting on the sidewalk is on your record....forget it...
and you would have to put up with having your truck sniffed whenever any DOT officer gets a hair up their butt. no such thing as probable cause.
welcome to the 21st century..1984 was just slow in getting here....
say orbs. i'm alittle late on this, but are those kk's bloomers you were wearing???
as for the finger....heck..flip anyone, cause it don't really matter anyhow...
Packers, irked me, how the hell can you lose to tampa?
Tim, I'm not driving a bus carrying children. I'm not driving hazardous materials that could harm others. My vehicle has nothing to do with my job performance. Heck, it is parked about 2 blocks away from the school. If they have reasonable doubt that something is amiss with an employee, (ie: drug use) then address it in a professional manner.
May I also nominate Tim for thinking my undergarments are a topic for public comment? ;>
I would like to nominate the yahoos in the Senate who currently would cover Christian Science prayer treatments in their health bill. It should be noted this is currently a bipartisan group of buttheads whose current members include Orrin Hatch and John Kerry.
I don't want to pay for pray.
Dickert again...For continually crying over that stupid ass splash pad!! Build it yourself with your own money if you want it so bad you F'n A-Hole!!!
Couldn't be kk's drawers, Tim - my head's too big for those.
sorry kk, but you work at a school, that means you interact with kids..
and if that don't work, they do it simply because they can.
stuff like this is in everyones future.
they don't need a reason to treat you like dirt.
Wow anon put it right out there with Dickert and his splash pad
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