Thanks to a great idea from KK, We are herby taking nominations for a Thank you of the Week, in honor of thanksgiving. I know I can get negative sometimes, but we all need to remember to say thanks for all the good we see. ( I know I dont do it enough). We already have nominations for The Troops and for Tex Reynolds Toys for Tots. I want to add the Hunger Task Force of Wisconsin.
Add yours. Name and reason please.
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I want to thank all my friends and family for helping me through some tough times.
I like the sentiment of the Wisconsin Hunger Task Force, Stu, but would like to expand it to include all who help feed the hungry...remember you have an international audience here!
Mine is less grand than feeding the hungry, but none-the-less important.
I'd like to nominate coworkers who are helpful and friendly. Making it through the workday would be impossible without a little help, some commiserating and laughs.
After all, we spend just as much time there, if not more, than we do at home with family.
I have 2- the 1st is you guys.
We've been there for each other, good times and bad. It all really started as us rallying around Beejay after losing her husband. We've celebrated together, supported each other, you guys are just simply amazing.
We have a regular, don't know her name, we call her the good Samaritan lady. Every Friday she comes thru drive thru and pays for whoever is behind her. Yesterday, one of the people that has been behind her in the past, wanted to pay for her order in advance. not knowing what the total would be (usually $4-5), she gives me $10, to take care of her and donate the rest to the Ronald McDonald house box. I almost cried, so cool.
So to those that do random acts of kindness and those that pass it on beyond, this one's for you!
I have a name. Let me preface this with a "I don't necessarily support this man as a candidate for governor." The name is Milwaukee Mayor, Tom Barrett.
I applaud him for standing up and saying he will not condemn the job of police chief due to the fact that this icky man was doing things in his personal time that might be offensive to others. Barrett stated that his performance on the job spoke for itself.
I am so tired of politics being the reason for it to be alright to dig up dirt on others when it has no bearing on the job that they are doing. Many who may have tried pot but "didn't inhale" can maybe breath a sigh of relief and run for office.
Bravo! to Tom Barrett for not playing the game that the media and opposing political sides want to play.
We were the laughing stock with other countries when Bill's little escapade with the cigar made headlines. It is so overdue to stop this ugly practice.
"I know I can get negative sometimes.."
Really? You don't say?
There is always one.......
Is that a negative comment?
If I can nominate two, I also nominate LEOs, Firefighters and EMTs, for protecting and saving us.
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