Everyone is a winner in our Big Thank You Contest. The JT Irregulars would like to thank the following:
The Troops - God Bless you!
Tex Reynolds Toys for Tots
Hunger Task Force of Wisconsin - and everyone who helps feed the people who need it most.
all our friends and family
coworkers who are helpful and friendly
you guys
Milwaukee Mayor, Tom Barrett
Law Enforcement Officers
Firefighters and EMT's
May you all be blessed with the bounties of Thanksgiving. Good Food, Good Friends and Family, Good Health and Good Times.
Here, here... What a great idea to not vote, but to honor all. Happy Holidays.
Something is up with your blog, stu. You can post a comment, but then you get an error message. The comment appears, but is not counted. I deleted my first comment several times and reposted, but to no avail. I also tried to republish the blog, but the problem continues. Is it just me? Am I invisible?
I would like to add one more to the list...JTI League Commissioner Stu. Thanks for putting together our humble league.
Thanks to Racine, Wisconsin, too!
kk, I get this message: Your comment has been saved. The comment appears after awhile, but the comment count doesn't update until later. The same thing happened to me in Stu's previous blog last night.
I was getting a "sorry" message that wK3456... (or something) was an unexpected error and to try later. However, my post did appear, just wasn't counted. Odd.
Yes stu, thanks for the JTI league. I am watching football, paying attention and having fun. Forget the Mayan death calendar of 2012, annihilation could be imminent at any given point in this football season. And btw boys, I am NOT getting any help from anyone. Any butt kicking is all me.
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