Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

To all who served with honor, those who paid the ultimate price, and those who made it back. Those overseas right now, and those waiting to go. To the families who sacrificed time spent with a loved one. No matter if you were in France, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, or a lucky one who never saw combat. Army, Navy, Air Force Marines, Coast Guard, Reserves. You are our heroes. You made and are still keeping us free. You are part of what makes the USA the best nation in the world. Red state, blue state, Conservative or Liberal, black, white, yellow, brown. If your here today and have the freedom to speak your mind in a land that is free, thank a vet today.

Special thanks to My Dad who served in the Air Force 1959-1963, and my cousin who was a pilot in Vietnam, and was shot down in 1973 and still listed as MIA. You will not be forgotten.


  1. Thanks first, Stu, for posting this.

    My heartfelt gratitude to the men and women who have served our country. Every day our politicians disgrace your sacrifice with their lies and thievery. I express my deep shame for them and ask you to forgive them, for they are blinded by their egos and greed. Thank you for your bravery, compassion and love of our country.

  2. thank you Stu, and THANKS TO ALL OUR VETERANS and current military!!

  3. I was a stupid civilian that joined the Army reserve in my early 30's. The unit I was in was never sent over to sandbox 1, but we were on 24 hour deployment notice. I had my duffle bag and a spare set of BDU's hanging in the front closest My 2 oldest sons were 3 and 1 at the time.
    The always were pulling the bag out and using it to sit on while watching TV. I would jump everytime the phone rang. I was blessed to see my sons grow up. But I take pause, and have to wipe away tears when I think of the other guys who would never see that happen. Or for the 1 and 3 year olds that can't understand why mommy or daddy isn't coming home.

  4. My dad served in WWII. My 8 uncles all served too. We need less violence. We need to make sure we are not overstepping our boundries in pushing our ways on those who don't want it. We need more detente. We must not forget, freedom is not free.
