Thursday, December 10, 2009

Logjam...oh my how did I find this pix!

Yes, siree, I'm on a roll....see the resemblence??? And so it I close to blogging queen of the day? Tee-hee. I'll stop for a bit now....


  1. Now I'll be able to recognize LG if I ever see this person out in public!

  2. I like the picture you found. I clicked on it hoping to watch him do the log roll.

    By his posts, I don't think a lumberjack is the meaning behind his choice in name though....

  3. ya think, kk??? Tee-hee...this was a safe avenue for us though.

  4. Thank you for thee....ah.....
    I saw this and had considered it. It think it's supposed to be Paul Bunyan. But KK is right. Philosophically, it represent the process of all the posting here at JTI and the Logjam it can create on the WWW. Did that make sense?......I didn't think so.
