Thursday, December 24, 2009

No good deed goes unrewarded!


  1. You boys don't know how good you have it sometimes.

    A great quote from Elaine on Seinfeld, "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."

  2. Tooo funny! It's a good thing I read it.

  3. And a blessed Christmas to all my old new found friends here. Some how it does not seem like the Christmases I grew up with in Racine. The grass is green, the leafs are mostly still on the trees and it is 72 degrees out. But our Christmas tree looks like the ones I knew as a kid.

  4. That "anonymous" entry is me MC. I tried and tried to enter using my Google acct log-in and it would not accept it, yet it has before. Why do you make it so difficult to enter comments here? Or am I doing something wrong? Help me on this please. MC

  5. I tell you what, Christmas here in Sweden is one that I hope my girls will not forget.. it is so beautiful with the snow and crisp air, perfect Christmas scene. As my husband said this is how you are supposed to remember Christmas being when you are a kid.

  6. Others have complained about the commenting problem before too. I don't recall what the issue was... was it because they use g-mail? I enter my full email address as my username and then enter my password. ??? If you remember, please share.

    Happy holidays, MC. Glad you haven't given up on us.
