Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The results are in!!!!

Congrats to our winners of
our blogging challenge for November -

Tied for 1st place with 19 blogs each -
SER and DREW!!!!

Awesome job guys!!

Coming in very close behind is RWwackoStu in 2nd,
with Hale Bopp bringing home 3rd.

Well done everybody!!

It feels like the boys are taking this, SO...

Decembers challenge -
Guys vs Gals!!!

Ok kk, Carol, Whynot, Mme Z and the rest of you out there,
we are out numbered but I think we can take 'em!

Get those creative juices going and see what we've got!

Good luck everybody!


  1. Women hold the power. We may stay in the sidelines and let the men THINK they are holding the cards... sorry, boys.

  2. so does this mean you're with me to kick some male behinds? :)
    I have another one mulling around in my head, they told me at work I need to do it, it's just putting it together, will makes sense soon :)

  3. I suppose I can't count the 29 I have
    on my other blog?...:P

  4. Oh my, don't get me started. I'll blog on endlessly about every little thing.

  5. And it's no fair to copy the JT and use all AP articles or steal them from...well you know what I mean.
