Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Irregular Christmas Party RSVP time!!

OK boys and girls,
time to RSVP to our Irregular shindig.

It is 10 days from now, AKA 1 week from Saturday!!
Yup, it's coming fast!!

Time to RSVP and have some fun!!

Anyone RSVP-ing that wasn't here last year,
I will email the location to you.

Saturday, Jan. 30th, 4:30
same place as last year,
Pot luck - there will be soup,
from there fill in the blanks,
see you there!!

By the way, Beejay sent yummy presents to share,
just waiting for the party!! Come on out!!!


  1. If you haven't made it to any of our get-togethers yet, PLEASE come out and join us, we're great fun!!
    (and not at all scary!!)

  2. Well, maybe they are a mite scarey, but in a good way!!!! Hope you guys all have a wonderful time without me. Boo-hoo.

  3. I'll be there. We'll miss you, Beejay. You'll be there in spirit.

    Now I'm thinking we shoulda got the extra case of iChill and had a chugging contest.

    I don't know what food to bring. Maybe I'll punk out and just bring mom's cranberry-orange bread again. I was thinking maybe make a meatloaf, and bring it with a bottle of ketchup and a loaf of bread. Yum, meatloaf sandwiches.

    Meatloaf has been my latest crave food. I eat something often for awhile, then move on to something else.

  4. that's the fun of a pot luck, you don't know what will be there, so surprise me, guys :)

    I will bump this up when I figure out what kind of soup I'm making in case it makes a difference.

  5. I'm coming. I still don't know what I'm bringing.
