Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pat Robertson Blames Haitian Earthquake on "Pact with the Devil"

The White House has characterized Mr. Robertson's remarks as "utterly stupid."


hale-bopp said...

Damn you, called him stupid! Now a bunch of extremist Christians are going to go batshit crazy and you will have to invite Robertson to the White House for a beer. Didn't you learn your lesson last time?

kkdither said...

And these oddball evangelists continue to prosper... "A blessing in disguise." How can anyone say something so asinine when so many lives have been lost?

OrbsCorbs said...

The devil made me do it.

OKIE said...

Sure doesn't sound too Christian to me. Of course this is the same guy who said 9-11 was because of our ways and that Katrina happened because of abortion.
The scary part is he will continue to spew this crap.

Beejay said...

I don't like to use the word stupid...let's say he is intelligence challenged....yep, that's what he idiot is a word I do use!!!

RWWackoStu said...

Now hold on, he has a right to his his opinion and who the hell is Obama to call him stupid....(Stops typing as I crack up.... I just wanted to raise hale's BP a little)

I cant even justify this. Robertson is a moron.

SER said...

I took the liberty of looking up the definition of evangelist. This is what MSN Encarta states


e•van•gel•ist [ i vánjəlist ] (plural e•van•gel•ists)



1. e•van•gel•ist (plural e•van•ge•lists) or E•van•gel•ist (plural E•van•gel•ists) One who scams people out of their money with “quick talk” purely for their personal financial gain.

MinnesotaChick said...

Some people should just keep their mouths shut.

drewzepmeister said...

*Shakes head in disbelief*