Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't Mess with Old Timers

*Caution: Language and Violence Advisory*

This reminds me of a buddy of mine, a decorated Vietnam vet, who likes to take walks near his home. One day as he strolled along, a man tried to mug him. My buddy hit the guy in the side of the head and left him unconscious on the sidewalk, then continued on his walk. He said that when he returned later, the would-be mugger was gone.

Interesting to note that the camerawoman in the video urges her friend to "beat his white ass," but then wants to press charges after her friend is smacked down.


SER said...

that will learn him to mess with an old guy..laugh'in

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! These Silverbacks in this town are out of control!

Anonymous said...

If I were the judge, they'd both be doing 30 days.

Toad said...

"What a WONDERFUL world"

kkdither said...

Jerry Springer here they come. Good grief. Bring the "am-mulance." There was one smart person on that bus... It was the woman standing at the front that got the heck off.

Why Not? said...

I didn't understand what it started over? I didn't understand why the other guy didn't get kicked off the bus as well.

OrbsCorbs said...

I don't understand any of it. Obviously, the video starts mid-argument. Apparently, they're arguing over previous comments? The young guy is pissed off and I'm not sure that the older one is all right in the head.

It shows where we're at in society. We have the means now to capture and transmit everything, and the most interesting of it is often the trashiest.

OrbsCorbs said...

Oh, and kk, I thought about the woman seated in the background behind the two when they were arguing in the back of the bus. She has on the headphones and occasionally glances back at them, but doesn't seem too perturbed.

OrbsCorbs said...

Uh, she's become an internet sensation: "Amber Lamps," after the young guy's pronunciation of 'ambulance.'

MinnesotaChick said...

Anyone else notice what the back of the guy's T-shirt says?

OrbsCorbs said...

Thank you, DA. That explains why a lot of versions of this video include the phrase "I am a motherf***er"" in their titles.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what the fuss is all about. I was just eating my carrots, on the way to the gym, minding my own business. What is a girl supposed to do when the world goes crazy around her? I did look good though. The camera did me justice.