Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hey, Mayor Dickert!

Google Fiber for Communities

"Google is planning to launch an experiment that we hope will make Internet access better and faster for everyone. We plan to test ultra-high speed broadband networks in one or more trial locations across the country. Our networks will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today, over 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We'll offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.

"From now until March 26th, we're asking interested municipalities to provide us with information about their communities through a Request for information (RFI), which we'll use to determine where to build our network."

Somebody in an official capacity in Racine, Wisconsin, get on this fast! As I understand it, if this works out, Google may offer fiber optic internet service nationwide. A monopoly? Maybe, but a damn fast one. We've lagged behind Japan and Europe in internet speed for long enough.

Again, all you suits and suitesses in City Hall, get Google fiber optic internet service installed in Racine! Make this a priority! Think of it! We'll be famous, we'll be fast, we'll piss off Time Warner Cable immensely. People will want to move here just for the incredibly fast internet service. Dickert, if you get this done, I may even start shilling for you.


  1. 1 Gb per second??? I either just had a hot flash or another earthquake hit... Oh my! Come on Dickert, jump on this one!

  2. Gotta be right up his alley, think of the positive PR, what could CAR 25 and Dickert's media people do with fiber optics? OMG, go for it!

    I'd put two or three flunkies to work on it immediately. Maybe that grant writer, too.

  3. Private citizens and community groups can also nominate their community: Maybe if a few thousand of us nominated Racine, Google would look at us closer. The local media should pick this up and promote it.

  4. Done deal. It is very easy to nominate.... go for it. Here is what I sent, feel free to steal any parts or just copy it if you like:
    Racine is a beautiful community on the shores of Lake Michigan. We are currently waning in population at approximately 85,000. Many jobs have been lost in manufacturing. We are trying to change the focus of our city and build jobs. We are a community hit hard by current economic times. Our unemployment is the highest in the state. Our school system is on the current failing schools list. The equipment and data transfer that is available with our meager funding is so poor, that many teachers don't involve technology in their curriculum due to the fact that it is slow and often will not function. We have many children turning to gang involvement and crime. We are in desperate need of furthering the education of this community.

  5. City government should start a campaign. It could be done easily and cheaply. Officially apply as the city, announce it, and ask everyone to nominate Racine privately. Civic groups and organizations are encouraged. It probably wouldn’t hurt if local businesses, or their executive officers, were to nominate the city. Google wants creativity, YouTube videos. Get the high school kids involved. This could be done on a shoestring, by private individuals and groups. If nothing else, just fill out a form online. Can you imagine what ultra-high speed broadband would do for Racine, and for the next generation?

  6. I nominated Racine now.. kinda said similar things as KK... would love this for Racine.

  7. You can only nominate once. Someone please include the url to this blog post when they nominate...

    They are looking for innovative ways to promote. I'd say this blog is innovative...
