Container – I had to put my glasses on to find the spot where to “tear” it open. They should make that area ‘white’ verses the same as the rest of the package.
Aroma – Smelled like cough syrup, definitely a smell of its own.
Taste – Like an unsweetened cough syrup. Reminded of sugar free soda which leaves an after taste in your mouth
Consistency – it is like a soda, not thick like cough syrup.
When I took it, I just shot it right down, no sipping or nursing it, hammered like a shot of tequila!
Now I do have to stop here and let you know I do take several prescription meds, for high blood pressure and cholesterol, oh and rat poison (Warfarin).
About 15 minutes after shoot’in iChill down, I could feel pressure in my chest. I did not like the feeling.
iChill does have a warning on their label to “seek advise from your healthcare professional before taking this product”. Well he was not available at 11pm when I took it!
Final Results – I did stay up for approximately one and half hours after I drank the product. I could not feel any additional relaxation overtaking my body. The added pressure in my chest started to rescind and I went to bed.
In Conclusion – this product is not for me. I do have one more bottle, which I will pass along to one of my kids and see what they feel about.
I'm pretty sure this is meant to be downed with that shot of vodka... and marketed for young'ins, not old farts. (Not that that is a description of you in particular, SER)
I've been too busy and tired (and maybe slightly intimidated) at the end of the day to try that combo again. I'll give it a "shot" again in the future.
Holy be-jeezes, SER...stay away from that crap.....
You take some of the same meds Doug did and I sure wouldn't have let him try that stuff....I love the rat poison notation...that's what we called it too...
Have a great weekend, guys.
I didn't even think about my meds when I drank it. I'm just disappointed that I didn't see any pretty colors.
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