Monday, April 5, 2010

Best of Racine, 1st Edition - bumped up by request

The results are in for our 1st edition of the Irregulars Best of Racine.
Here are the top picks in each category -

Best Chinese - Whey Chai

Best Mexican - Los Mariachi's

Best Italian - We have a 2 way tie -
Salute & Infusino's - Infusino's won this after the tie breaker

Best Fast Food - Culvers

Best Sit down - Corner House

Best Bakery - O&H

Best Thin Crust Pizza - Well's Brothers

Best Pan Pizza - Infusino's on Hy 20

Should we come up with some kind of certificate for each of the places? Could be kinda cool, ideas anyone?
Thanks for voting!

Watch for April's installment - every kind of store I could think of with help from you guys! start thinking now! - is posted, please vote if you haven't already :)

Each place received a certificate and our brochure. I will need to take a pic of the certificate, as this isn't recognizing the format I have it in... but it is printed on marble paper and looks pretty cool :)


  1. kk, I think we'll need to get more of our 'business' cards to give with whatever certificate we come up with :)

  2. No problem, I have extra business cards. Interesting idea... our URL would have to go on the certificate. (It pays to advertise) We would also need to let them know more about us and an approximation of our readership. Think.... if they displayed the certificates, we could become *famous* Alright, I've come back to reality. Like they'd really care. :)

  3. hmm, if I come up with a certificate, can you come up with a simple brochure or something that just tells a little about us? who knows,maybe they'll put it up with the certificate :)

  4. Hey guys..I need a T-Shirt! How can I get one? I have the business cards.

  5. And where's the JTI coffee mugs I ordered? And the refrigerator magnets? And grocery tote bags?


    You can make anything there.

  7. Restaurants will put up pics of "celebrities" who ate there that I have never heard of, surely they will put up a "Best of" certificate from an outfit no one has ever heard of.

  8. Hey I like the idea of the coffee mugs and grocery totes.. I would definitely buy some of those.

  9. I'm smelling freebies and money! :)

  10. KK.. you can set up a store at cafepress. It's pretty easy, just upload the logo and add it to any of the products. It's free.
    Costs are what you set up if you want to make a profit.

  11. If we do, we'll probably get sued by the people who stole kk's logo.

  12. Not if they haven't trademarked it or if you add the JTIRREGULARS to it?

    KK, I can help you set up a store there. It's pretty easy. Just upload the logo and pick what items they have available.

    ;) They even have thongs and doggie shirts! LOL

  13. Regular irregulars: check your email. Brochure has been sent out for proofing and content changes. Be brutal!

    Thongs? Oh dear, you should NOT have told orbs that! Save me....

  14. ok, reposted this, it was originally posted March 19th I believe, I went to the side bar and pulled it back out :)

  15. Infos?? REALLY???

    You people need to get out more often. If you want cheap, plentiful Italian food, Infos is it.

    Best quality Italian food, Salute's, but you pay more.

    Sounds like cheapskates and tightwads in here! lol.

  16. Only been to Salute's once. They put me in the "puppies for sale" window. Everyone who entered or left watched me eat. I think that is why I haven't been back. Plus, the food wasn't that spectacular and prices were high. I can make better at home. Infusino's does the job when you don't feel like cooking. Ans, you usually have enough left over for lunch the next day.
