And it also makes me smile to visit with all of my irregular friends. I do so enjoy our Wednesday mornings. A little regularity in our irregular lives is not always a bad thing. I look forward to blogging and reading your comments.
Last week I mentioned the possibility of marketing Zoltar® brand products via home parties. That is one avenue I am exploring. Another possibility, of course, is the internet. Great fortunes have been made online. And it certainly seems like a logical extension of my current activities online. So I spent some time recently researching domain names and other Zoltar related info. And guess what I stumbled upon? That’s right; the blooming idiot has a Facebook account. And on it, he has this:
“In a sad but quietly reported event, ZOLTAR has separated from his wife of 20 years. Official court papers claim ‘Irreconcilable Differences,’ but a close family friend spoke under the condition of anonymity that ‘Mrs. ZOLTAR chose the bottle over her long-time companion.’ This never before seen picture confirms that Mrs. ZOLTAR has issues she clearly needs to resolve if there is to be any hope for reconciliation.”

I left him because he thought he was some sort mechanical bull that had to inseminate every female who walked by. I left with nothing but our child in my arms and his menacing glare at my back. He has never sent a red cent to me in support payments. I am raising Junior alone and built a small but successful business enterprise. And then he posts such rubbish about me. I don’t know if I’m more hurt or angry. Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, because lies always corrode you, and that’s the thing he fears the most. Someday he will seize up like an overheated engine, and it can’t come soon enough for me.
In the meantime, I checked out some possible domain names for an online store. I believe that I posted this one a long time ago: Obviously, that one is occupied, and by a very interesting resident. Here’s another interesting one: For some reason, I find that attractive. Next is That’s rather odd. redirects, but is available. In fact, is a perfect fit. Now I just have to find the time, money, and energy to set it up. Oh my!
Thank you so much for reading my blog this week. I predict April showers and May flowers.
Please send your spring greetings to:
I love each and every one of you. Listen to the birds, because the bird is the word. Sudorific!
That close family friend is no friend, are they??? Sadly, this is what some men do...normally, it has something to do with ..On second thought, let's not go there. We do not wish to lower ourselves to his level. My condolences, Madame Zoltar.
Madame of the All Knowing,
Hang in there toots! That SOB and his boozed up mother will get theirs.
We can only hope that the most significant of his parts become corroded and non-functioning. So sorry for the insipid slander this pontificating punk is throwing around. The truth always comes out... my dad always told me, "the cream always comes to the top"! Give it a little time.
And for all the tokens you want to sell, don't forget about bandanas, many, many people where them, joggers, scooter riders just to name a couple.
daaaa, how about a wear instead of where
Thank you all for your kind words.
As for my ex, may he rust in pieces.
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