Hello everybody! Time has been flying these days! It's Friday already... This week's questions are about transportation.
1) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
2) Have you ever been in a car accident? Was it serious?
3) Have you ever driven a motorcycle?
4) Have you ever taken a ride in a limo?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Nothing like a good questioneer to start my morning with :)
1. No speeding tickets. I have been pulled over twice, but just recieved warnings. Whew!
2. I have been in a couple fender benders while a passenger but only one accident while a driver. No other cars involved, just my car, a telephone pole, and snow. My car was totalled but I only suffered bruising from the seatbelt.
3.I have never drivin a motorcyle or been on one. I attempted a dirt bike once and had a hard time with the clutch.
4. I have been in a limo, a couple times. Weddings and a few special occasions.
Thanks for the fun questions, now back to my coffee!
1. One when I saw a cop giving a ticket I thought he was busy so I didn't slow down. There were 7 other cop cars just around the corner!!!
2. Yes Someone drove into the back side of my car (pit stop) and I went into another car (just missing a cop car). The lady who hit me got the ticket.
3. Never drove one but took a vacation on one through the Continental Divide. GREAT! You can see so far!
4. No limo ride.
1. Yes. I had two in one week. The first one was a shortcut to work and all the cop had to do was motion at me with his finger. Then I got pulled over at Tinker AFB after dropping my then boyfriend off as he was going to Saudi. He got me going 29 in a 25 zone. Those were the last two I had.
2. One bad one that broke my pelvis in three places.
3. Always a passenger, never a driver.
4. Been in a limo a few times; sadly a few days ago for a funeral.
Keep up the good work Drew - these are fun!!!
1. Yep back in 1973
2. Yep...no, not serious
3. Yep, back in the mid-70's
4. Yep, a friend owned one....
1. Nope
2. Yep, Nope
3. Passenger, not driver...unless a moped counts?
4. Yep
1) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
WAY to many!!
2) Have you ever been in a car accident? Was it serious?
Yes...not fun, spent some time in the hospital
3) Have you ever driven a motorcycle?
Oh ya, owned one
4) Have you ever taken a ride in a limo?
Many times, business and partying
1) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Yup, speed trap on Spring I think it was 1997.
2) Have you ever been in a car accident? Was it serious?
Went for a ride down the flight of stairs just west of the 6th st bridge by Kinzie.. My dad was driving and it was icy couldnt make the turn.We were just fine.
3) Have you ever driven a motorcycle?
No, but got a ride once when I was drunk coming out of Harborfest by a complete stranger (yeah, so not smart)
4) Have you ever taken a ride in a limo?
Nope never, not even on my wedding day. I always wanted to.
1) One speeding ticket.
2) One minor accident where I slid in the snow into a parked car. Minor dent in the car, nothing happened to my truck. I received a ticket for driving too fast for conditions and my insurance doubled. No one saw this happen (early A.M.) and my first thought was, "Just drive off," but I did the right thing.
Btw, every time I have done the right thing and the RPD was involved, I have been ticketed. That is why I will never call the Racine police again. You could be dying and I will NOT get involved. The Racine police punish those who try to help - they resent it or something.
3) Never driven a motorcycle, but have ridden on a couple.
4) No limo rides for me, either. I think limos are very ugly and wasteful and arrogant.
1) Been pulled over twice, but no speeding tickets.
2) I rear ended a van on 20th and Lathrop a few years ago. Hit a patch of ice and couldn't stop. My car was totaled. Nobody was hurt, thank God!
3) I have driven dirt bikes Up North many many years ago.
4) Once, at a friend's wedding.
1. Once in 1968 on Hwy. 50 on the way to the Brat Stop.
2. Yes, NO injuries (Thank God)
3. NO
4. Yes. When my Mother died.
1. No tickets, but warnings.
I did get ticketed for driving too slow when I failed to get out of the way of a speeding car....
2. Yes, only one serious that we are still recovering from.
3. My Dad had one when I was growing up, I'm not sure if you consider steering a Harley actually driving. :)
4. Yes! It was fun.
yes, they changed the speed limit and I hadn't noticed, 20 yrs ago the week before I got married...
maybe another, long time ago
2. 4 that I can remember, the 1st when I was young with my little sister on my lap on the way to church, very foggy, mom rear-ended somebody and my front tooth went into the back of my sisters head, doubt she remembers . The next was when we were dating and I spun out on black ice and bounced around in a ditch in my VW Bug, I loved that car!
1995 was taken out by a beer truck, 3 years in physical therapy, neck messed up pretty bad
2006 an old lady darted out in front of me on my way home, nobody hurt, but I got a new kitchen table and coffee table out of it, as well as our anniversary trip :)
3. Hubby had a cycle back in the day and we would go out riding, lots of fun :)
4. only on our wedding day, a friend had one and he was our driver :)
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