Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mini Chill Out

Charlie, on the right, loves his Mini Chill. I also tried some earlier today. I think it works - maybe - I'm not sure.

I was quite worked up over a number of petty incidents that occurred while I was out running errands. When I returned home, I thought, "This is a great time to try out Mini Chill." I picked up a bottle and shook it well. Then I cracked it open and took a sip.

It tastes identical to iChill to me. Mini Chill calls their flavor Berry Bliss, and iChill tags theirs Blissful Berry. Can that be a coincidence? Like I said about the iChill, the flavor is reminiscent of a cheap candy. It's not repulsive, but not very tasty, either. I drank the rest of the Mini Chill and noted that after about a half hour, I belched some of it up, thereby reliving the taste. This was to happen a number of times, even after I ate supper. It's a repeater for me.

As to the Mini Chill's effects, I remembered that Lizardmom reported that she felt more relaxed in about a half hour after drinking it. So I waited for about 40 minutes before I tried to note changes in my mood. I was undoubtedly more relaxed than I was when I first returned home. The thing that bothers me, though, is that I'm almost always more relaxed at home than when I am making social contact.

So, would I have calmed down just as much, or less, if I hadn't drunk the Mini Chill? Who knows? Because the makers of Mini Chill were kind enough to give us free samples, I'm willing to attribute my mood change to their relaxation drink. And if anyone wants me to evaluate a new car or computer, I'll attribute whatever you want to that, too.

Thank you, Mini Chill.


  1. I'm sorry to see that the taste, as well as the name, is comparable. I was not a fan of the first; I noticed it also repeated and I couldn't shake it....even into the next day.

    Frankly, I'm more interested in relaxation to aid in sleepiness. I kind of like to think my daily agitation keeps the edge on and enhances my performance? Yeah, I know... who am I kidding? ;>

  2. Am I the only one who notices that Charlie's eyes are blissful berry colored? Or did that happen after downing the bottle?

  3. I think Charlie may have a Mini Chill "problem." He's been trading his kitty treats for more of it. It might be time for treatment.

    Yes, I was burping up the taste even after midnight. Not today - yet.

  4. Well, technically, "after midnight" is today...
