I have noticed some serious security issues with a couple of our schools and I want to get some feedback from everyone.
First off, let's just say I have "ties" to two schools in particular. Fratt Elementary and Knapp Elementary. I have included a scan of a letter I received from the principal at Fratt on March 19th. As you can see, it states that "there may have been a weapon in Fratt one day during this past week." There may have been? Well, I found out today that there was. Not just any weapon either. A loaded handgun. L-O-A-D-E-D. A fifth grader brought a loaded handgun to school to give to a friend. There are so many things to be said about this, but aside from the obvious, I am disgusted at how this was omitted in the letter to the parents.
Another issue at Fratt in particular is that there are still doors to the school being left unlocked during the day and in one instance, the front door actually had a sign on it stating something to the effect of "bell does not work, please come in".
As for Knapp, they like other RUSD schools have a badge swipe type of a system to get in the doors along with a buzzer at the front door. Again, doors are being left unlocked during school hours and one in particular is left unlocked because THE BADGE SWIPE DOES NOT WORK.
As I see it, it is damn time that our leaders in RUSD start to take school security and the safety of the students seriously. We have seen many referendums over the past few years from our "leaders" asking for OUR money. One in particular not so long ago was to upgrade security in our schools. From what I have seen, security has been upgraded to a point, but WHEN THE SYSTEM DOES'T WORK HOW DAMN GOOD IS IT?
I don't know exactly where I am going to go with this, but I can't just let it be anymore. Something has to be done and I am looking for suggestions, opinions and ideas from all of you.
We only hear about the problems that hit the news, but others like this are abundant. Dr. Shaw is a partner in a school safety consulting business and he's been here 2 years now, so you can see there is no political will to re-establish discipline in the schools!
I think everyone needs to be involved. Why does our community, like others, simply sit back and wait for something to happen to take voice? It isn't okay to put the onus on the schools alone.
The schools are starting to work toward a more secure environment. Much like the government or any large org, it takes way too long to happen. I am not making excuses for blatant lapses of basic security measures on the part of the building administration, but everyone.... everyone, needs to be vigilant and persistant.
Our children are not naive youngsters anymore. The problems of society are reflected in the behavior and actions of our children, what they bring to school and what conduct and dress they (and their parents) deem to be appropriate.
I would venture to guess, and I have heard security say, that there are weapons and contraband in all schools, everyday.
Thanks KC, great post! You need to publish more often!
A loaded handgun in fifth grade.
I didn't think my jaw could drop any lower.
Something is going to happen soon. Everyone can feel it. The outrages inflicted upon our citizens is having a cumulative effect.
I'm sorry, but I really do not think that we can take these issues one at a time anymore, trying to correct problems that are inherent in a dishonest system of government. You cannot negotiate with liars and thieves.
Things ARE happening, orbs. Here is a few that come to mind: The stabbing at Park. The parents who joined their daughter in a dangerous fight in the school. The spitting in the face of an officer at Case. The sulfer stink bombs that are so offensive that staff needs to move classes due to allergic reactions. This stink bomber child was told to empty their pockets they had a knife.
The constant need of police and physical force in schools is ridiculous. The unwillingness of these out of control children to cooperate is shocking. Someone taught them this is acceptable.
The times...they are a' changin'...I remember being able to just walk into Red Apple School just to pick my son up with no problems. That is, until the incident when a boy was sexually assaulted in the basement bathroom during school hours! (Yeah, the creep was caught) My son was shaken up by this.
Anyways, like kk said, The constant need of police and physical force in schools is ridiculous. I agree! It's a shame! Sad to say, we need tighter security in our schools. There is no need for our children to learn in a battlefield.
drew, I remember that event well. So, even after that, Kcin97 reports that Fratt and Knapp are accessible to outsiders. I don't know what it takes to effect change. Maybe a student has to be assaulted at each school before they pay attention.
As for the students themselves, the state says we have to take them into school no matter what they do, we have to try to educate them. The state, of course, does not provide the resources to accomplish this, just the edicts.
I have no solutions. I cannot imagine being a kid in an urban public school today.
This is quite scary. Just recently (within the last month or so) my husband and I finally decided that we will be moving back to Racine within the next 3 years. I guess I have been gone for too long and cannot quite grasp that things are actually that bad. It's hard to believe. It wasn't that long ago that I was a kid going to these schools (Jefferson, McKinley and Park). I know things happened even then although not a whole lot until I got to Park. The stink bombs were an everyday occurrence and fights were pretty common, but bringing weapons into a school in the 5th grade?!?!?!
There are positives and negatives with our decision and I have to say it was very close as to decide which side of the pond we were going to choose to live on. If it were not for the support of family and friends I am sure we would have stayed here. I LOVE Racine and it breaks my heart to read this kinda stuff. I am so overwhelmed to think of how it has sunken so low. The reputation of our once very proud and progressive little city has sunken so low that people from Milwaukee and Chicago consider it "ghetto".
I have been so convinced that it's (Racine) is going through a bit of a rough patch and eventually pick itself up by the boot straps..
But the more I read about stuff like this and the fact that people have seem to lost all decency and knowing right from wrong. New Mayors who come in and act just like the one before (well maybe not EXACTLY but politically anyways).
I'm having a hard time seeing the change that needs to happen. Racine has such a rich history and has accomplished so much from it's humble beginnings of 3 men and a cottage. I wish people could feel pride in their city and not allow it to fizzle away to a glorified cesspool. I wish I knew what steps I could take to better it. I want our city to overcome it's downtrodden position and become a pillar of Wisconsin.
So what can we do?? What can I do?? There has to be something that those who believe in Racine can still do.. I refuse to believe that we have to sit back and watch it disintegrate.
I'm such a cynical a-hole, but it really breaks my heart when I read comments like Why Not's. I put the blame squarely on the political "leadership" in Racine. Oinkers looking out only for themselves, hustling for personal gain and to hell with the people of Racine. You think lying John Dickert gives a damn about us? All he cares about is his connections, his cronies, and his career. Just like all the other lying politicians, from state legislators who sell us out to Payday Loan stores for a roll in the hay to drunk driving attorney generals who are above the law. The corruption is massive and it all trickles down onto our heads and into our lives. And the lives of our children.
Why Not? for mayor. Heck... why not? Great slogan!
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