Monday, March 8, 2010

TV Commercials

In the past week or so there are two commercials, one which I think is totally wrong and one which makes me laugh.

The wrong one is for Tide Laundry Detergent. There is a young girl, 10 -12 years old, who is complaining about her ‘hand-me-down’ blue jeans from her sister. The little girl say, “the pair of jeans she wants is only a $100.00 dollars, but now that her mom washed the old ones in Tide, the spot is gone and she ends up with them”.

Why is Tide telling young people that spending a $100.00 on a pair of jeans is okay? Are they out of their mind! To me...if you spend a $100 bucks on a pair of jeans, you do not have any money problems and you are pretty well off!

The second is (I believe) is State Farm. A man and his wife are sitting in an auditorium listening to a play and he asks her for some lip balm and she hands him her lip stick and he puts it on without checking! Way tooooo funny, just makes me giggle my ass off!


  1. I've seen that lipstick one and it's hilarious.

    I haven't seen the Tide one, but I'm not surprised. I get my jeans for a few bucks a pair at secondhand stores.

  2. T.V. and the media should be ashamed. They do not do our children any favors. Kids feel entitled to the latest and greatest gadgets, and brainwashed into believing they need it all; they also think need to be stick thin and that sex on the first date is normal.

    I don't spend that kind of money on jeans. Lee Rider fits my butt and does the job just fine, thank you very much. The lipstick commercial broke me up too. Saw it for the first time yesterday.

  3. I don't watch many commercials...the DVR is used for most of my viewing.

    Jeans at Costoc...under $15 new. $100? Yikes!

  4. My daughters will have to get used to second hand stuff for as long as I can find it. I think no matter what kind of income we will end up having when we move back I will still be hitting up all of the rummage sales and second hand stores for their clothes. I brought a brand new pair of Levi's (still had the tag) for 1 dollar for Mina.

    Our last trip there to the states on our trip there we had 2 bags for all of us on the way back we had 9 bags, filled with clothes (mostly) from rummage sales and second hand shops.. these girls are set up until I get back again..

  5. I was a hound for rummage sales when my kids were young and growing. They never minded. We would spend all of saturday morning shopping. I'd give them a small amount of money and let them shop the sales too. They got very good at finding stylish items and good deals. Much better than filling landfills with items that can no longer be used. Now I only shop when I absolutely have to. Not a fan.
