Thursday, April 15, 2010

City Council Spends $50K of Our Money to Cover Their Asses

"Settlement ends Becker-Tingle era in Racine politics"

Racine's City Council did NOTHING to curb Becker's behavior when he was mayor. They all went along for the ride, gladly approving whatever the pervert requested. Now that the ex-mayor's freewheeling ways are coming back to haunt us, our council members gather in secret meetings to approve payoffs and avoid confrontation.

These cowards are traitors to Racine. Instead of manning up and accepting responsibility for their failure to act while Becker was tearing up City Hall and ruining our reputation, they hide in silent shame. Fifty thousand of out dollars because the council was afraid to call out a pervert. All the same little piggies are still in place, ready to spend more of our money to hide their misdeeds. Fie on you! Cowards, traitors, swine!


  1. Obs... big business as usual. All you can do is call them out on it. You can't change it. What amazes and astounds me is that when election time rolls around, all the votes still go to the a-holes. I don't get it. Every frick'in incumbent made it back onto the school board. We don't learn from our mistakes. Blame us.

  2. Actually, they've already spent $120,000 of our money on justifying Becker's lechery. The city is already in for 70 grand on lawyers and fees.

    All this because the council would not call Becker on his perversions. I saw that asshat walking down Main St. drunk as a skunk and I knew he wasn't fir for office. But our council rubber stamped everything he did, from driving drunk to smoking dope with "artists" and giving them tens of thousands of our dollars. These are the people who "represent" us? Cowards who brown nose child molesters?

    How dop you live with yourself after betraying your city for a pedophile? P-I-G-S!

  3. Anyone notice Racine Post disabled comments on that story?

  4. Do you think the city council has learned anything from their mistakes? Do you think they will do a better job of questioning and scrutinizing any current mayor? Or will they sit back and suck up the way most of them have done before?

  5. My dad told me I am a Democrat. He even wrote down the names I should vote for. I worked at a voting poll place at the time. Isn't that cute? Now I am ready to vote for ANYONE who is not in office. Which I guess means 'the other side'. I am so sick of the lying and cheating.

  6. "Tim the Shrubber said...

    Anyone notice Racine Post disabled comments on that story?

    racinepost used to kiss the ground becker walked on.

    pete and dustin are a couple of fail bloggers.
