This week’s missive arrived from the astounding Ms. kkdither a few days ago:
My dearest Madame,
I received an email this morning from Mr. Zoltar! He is claiming innocence in the dreadlocks affair... Typical man!
He also informed me he is not well. Beejay's assessment was correct. He claims it is Heart Rot. I looked it up online and this is what I found:
"Heart rot in living trees is caused by fungi which have the ability to decay wood. These fungi gain entrance to the wood of the tree through wounds, branch stubs, etc., which expose the bare wood. ... The rot will... usually be confined to a small central core of the trunk (how fitting) and the structural integrity of the tree will be maintained."
He wished me to convey that his lawyer has transferred all remaining assets to be disbursed amongst the thousands of Zoltar clones still in tact across the southern states. There was no mention of your son.
My heartfelt condolences, Madame. With what you have told us, I can only imagine how he contracted this disease...
Yours truly,
(For those of you unfamiliar with what transpired last week concerning my ex-husband, and for those who need a refresher, here’s a link to the blog and comments: http://www.jtirregulars.com/2010/03/dear-madame-zoltar_31.html .)
Dear Ms. kk, thank you so much for conveying the above information to me. I must admit to a sudden surge of decidedly mixed emotions upon reading your email. Oh my. My first thought was that it is all too fitting for such a slut. He’ll end up a hollowed out shell of a man. (Indeed, the aforementioned TS Eliot also authored a poem entitled “The Hollow Men.” I wonder if he knew my ex.)
Of course, I expected him to deny responsibility for his shenanigans and dastardly deeds. And though he has heart rot, it cuts me to the heart to hear that he has completely disinherited our son. What a shameful parody of a man he is! He’s just been going through the motions for years. He is a con who hustles for pocket change. Though I wish no one harm, I cannot find a lot of sympathy within myself for him at this time.
Thank you for reading my blog, my dear, wonderful friends. What would I do without you? What would you do without me? Oh no, let’s not think like that. We have each other. That’s all we ever have.
Send your tips and tales to: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com.
Enjoy your week, Irregulars. Remember to pick up some Mini Chill® from your local retailer. If he is out of stock, demand that he order a few skid loads. It is your right as an American citizen to consume. Neorama!
Madame Z, it looks like the market is heating up. You should hawk Zoltar Chill, or a similar product.
No, Mr. OrbsCorbs, I don't think that I could do better than Mini Chill already has.
Orbs and Mme... shameless promotion! ;>
I haven't yet sampled the new product. I'm scared off by the foul (repetitive) taste of the former brand. I'll get brave one of these days, sample it and then give you all an honest appraisal.
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