Friday, April 23, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone. It's Friday again! So soon? Guess so....! This week's questions are about cars.

1) What kind of car do you drive?

2) What was your first car?

3) What car was your favorite?

4) What is your dream car?

Enjoy your weekend folks!


  1. 1) What kind of car do you drive?
    I ride the bus or train (no license here in Sweden)

    2) What was your first car?
    1987 Mercury Cougar.. LOVED that car.

    3) What car was your favorite?
    see above answer

    4) What is your dream car?
    1965 Ford Mustang

  2. 1. 1972 Schwinn 5-speed. Never got a driver's license.
    2. The first car I remember riding in was a 57 Chevy - half white & half lavender. The neighbors took me to the hospital in it after I fell out of my bunk bed. I was five I think.
    3. VW bug.
    4. A chauffeur-equipped Jaguar.

  3. 1. I drive a big ole blue Tundra with a crew cab.....four wheel drive...
    2. 1968 Mustang 289, wide oval tires...
    3. Loved my Murano, loved my Mustang, but love my Tundra more than any other vehicle I have ever owned...
    4. Well, just for fun, I would love to have a 1968 Mustang!!!!

  4. 1. Honda Accord
    2. Camaro
    3. Same as above; that was one beautiful car, burgundy with grey and burgundy cloth interior.
    4. Something maintenance free and is cheap on gas, probably another honda. I hate the new "square" cars they are selling. If we are really talking dreams... I'd love to have a Jetson's vehicle: the briefcase that turns into a personal plane.

  5. 1. Ford Expedition

    2. 1953 Pontiac Starchief

    3. 1964 Olds Cutlass Convertable

    4. A new Chrysler 300 Hemi

  6. 1. 1998 Toyota Corolla
    2. first car was a buick like a 1967...maybe a chev. It had a Tape deck!!!!!
    3. A Javalin with racing stripe. Also liked my 1989 Cadillac coupe deville.
    4. Jaguar is my dream car.

  7. 1. Honda Civic
    2. 1970 Camaro
    3. Honda Civic
    4. Mercedes Convertible

  8. 1. A 1990 Plymouth Voyager (with only 91,000 miles! This will have to do until I can get my Silverado!)

    2. A 1977 Ford Pinto

    3. a 1987 Suburu XT turbo

    4. Either a '65 Mustang Comvertable or a 2010 Camaro

  9. 1) What kind of car do you drive?
    1996 S10 pickup with 160,000 miles.

    2) What was your first car?
    Technically, a 1958 DeSoto Adventurer - it had been my dad's, but I only owned it for a week. My first real car was a 1964 VW Beetle.

    3) What car was your favorite?
    The above 1964 VW Beetle.

    4) What is your dream car?
    The above 1964 VW Beetle.

  10. 1. Currently, 2001 Pontiac Aztek. Lots of people find it strange, but its great for telescopes and star parties with that tent thingy that goes on the back.

    2. First car, 1980 Cadillac Fleetwood when I lived on St. Croix (I am going for the first car I owned, not my parents car I drove). I was constantly getting offers from drug dealers who wanted to buy it. When I got ready to move away, I drove by a corner where I knew they hung out, got an offer, got the cash and took a taxi van back home. Not my favorite car, but definitely my favorite story about a car I owned!

    3. Favorite...I had a Geo Trakker in Florida...loved driving around there with the top down.

    4. I am not much of a car person...I have a few models I would look at if my car got totaled today, but nothing I am really hot to get. Well, except for a flying car of course :)

  11. 1) Dodge Dakota quad cab
    2) 56 Buick Electra
    3) My 69 Plymouth Roadrunner
    4) A huge chauffer drive party bus after I win the lottery! Just travel all over the United States!

  12. 1) A beat up 1993 Chevy Caprice Classic. Held together with two bolts, one nut, a wad of bubble gum, and a roll of duct tape.

    2) A Subaru station wagon.

    3) A 1991 Dodge Aries station wagon. The car ran like a champ till it got stolen.

    4) A 1969 Dodge Charger. The newer models look cool too.

  13. Orbs, I loved those VW Beetles...I might have to change my vote...only I want a convertible!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. is there a difference between a bug & a beetle?

  16. 1. Chevy Malibu
    2. VW Bug, orange with freckles (rust on the front)
    3. my 2nd car, a semi automatic metalic gold VW bug
    4. nothing in particular, but something that can handle the snow, which my car can't...
