Hello everybody! Just some random questions this week...
1) What do have on your computer desktop/screen saver?
2) What is on your desk?
3) What are you listening to right now?
4) Do you consider yourself organized?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
The wiener dogs birthday party...it does a slide show.
What is not on my desk would be easier. Cookbook to send to my niece...QuickBooks to install, bills, coffee cup...that's about it...
The news. Good Morning America!
Ha, ha...you must be out of your mind. Right now I'm trying to figure out where my spare cellphone is....with all these kids, who knows!
1) What do have on your computer desktop/screen saver?
desktop is a picture of Mina next to our snowman, our screen saver is pictures from an old ruin of a monastery not far from here.
2) What is on your desk?
computer, nusring books, swedish english dictionary, coloring books, an anatomical figure, junk
3) What are you listening to right now?
The sound of silence and the hum of the computer
4) Do you consider yourself organized?
I aspire to be organized but I fail miserably.. I blame it on the kids too.. =)
1) What do have on your computer desktop/screen saver?
Picture of my tatoo
2) What is on your desk?
My computer and stuff
3) What are you listening to right now?
Some stupid movie on TV
4) Do you consider yourself organized
Organized ciaos
I know where everything is, just don’t move it on me!
1. Picture of grandson playing soccer.
2. Computer, speakers & printer.
3. Today Show
4. I try to keep some organization but with a husband who has to keep every fishing magazine he ever got, it is difficult.
1. A very cool picture of Tony Stewart's Office Depot, Old Spice and Burger King race cars.
2. A stainless Steel water bottle, monitor, papers, a cow, a 1/64th scale Tony Stewart race car, and a mini football from R&L trucking.
3. WDRV FM 96.9 (Cause I cant get 88.9 Radio Milwaukee in my office and I have no speakers to listen over the Internet!)
4. Somethings I am almost OCD over how they are organized. Everything else I just call organized disorganization.
1. Picture of the moon and Venus that I took.
2. Papers, mail, notes, stapler, calculator, phone, printer, notes, my jewelry I took off last night, more paper,lots more paper....
3. Morning silence, the furnace running, the coffee pot perking.
4.People say I am very organized. It is getting harder and harder to keep that image alive.
Interesting questions, drew. Dumb stuff, esp like the screen saver image, lets us know each other better.
1. Hale's picture of the moon
2. a MESS
3. Regis and Kelly
4. Yes but could be better
1) What do have on your computer desktop/screen saver?
A picture I took of some empty coffee sacks.
2) What is on your desk?
My sewing machine.
3) What are you listening to right now?
background noise on the TV.
4) Do you consider yourself organized?
By looking at my apartment right now you wouldn't think so, but yes.
1. Don't have one currently.
2. My Pants
3. TV. CSI
4. Yes, but ONLY I know where anything Is. It's a MESS only a weirdo could understand.
1. A picture of the Dreams hotel in Mexico where I stayed.
2. Ptinter, keyboard, cup of pens, scrap paper for notes, file cubicles, ashtray and smokes.
3. The channel 6 news
4. Yes..I have a calendar near my desk for the whole month, a daily calendar for what I am going to do every day, lists everywhere!
1. Hubble Gravitational Lens image...Abell some number.
2. Computer, hard disk drives, speakers, big monitor, small boom box, work cat.
3. NPR...on most of the day
4. I have a system.
1) Some artwork from Roger Dean.
2) Let's see-My cell phone, my keys, a can of Pepsi, A slack of cd's, my smokes and ash tray.
3) The Wallflowers
4) My music collection is, but the paper work (bills, mail, etc)is different story.
1) This is my desktop: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FC8pEiNFZO8/S7-rjsyYSmI/AAAAAAAAA7s/DxVX_0kFz6g/s1600/desktop040910.JPG
My screen saver is a Windows standard one: "3D Flying Objects."
2) My spare computer is on my desk. I use my desk for storage. When I have to write something, I use the kitchen table.
3) I'm listening to "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. Ever since I posted it, that song has been in my head like an infection. I listen to it and watch the vid daily. It's like bottoming out on an addiction - I can't live with it and I can't live without it.
4) In the old days, I was very organized, at least mentally. I was good at putting out fires (because of my childhood), so I thrived under stress. Until the booze got me.
I don't think I'm very organized these days. Like Beejay, I can't find stuff and I can't remember stuff. I blame it on the booze and drugs and age.
1. A photo of a tufted titmouse.
2. Piles of stuff to organize someday - I don't use my desk anymore. My "computer station" is my bed.
3, Cars going by & wind whistling through the windows.
4. I've come to accept the fact that I'll never be organized.
BTW, the spare phone was in my purse...duh...and I did find the back to the remote between two pieces of the sectional...that little whippersnapper did take it off.
1) desktop: flower, no screensaver
2) homework, phone, bill
3) silence
4) definitely
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