Don't forget, today is Rowdy Roddy Piper Day in Racine.
The Journal Times has a nice story: http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/article_8107323e-48ec-11df-ae58-001cc4c002e0.html
The sidebar to the Journal Times story says that "wrestling legend Road Warrior Animal" will be there tonight at Memorial Hall. He and Hawk were the Road Warriors, one of the most badass tag teams ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipquf9u5tw
Oh, and thank you again, Mayor Dickert. Seriously. I think this is a gas.
Originally posted Sunday, April 11, 2010, 9:42 PM:
"RACINE -- Friday will be 'Rowdy Roddy Piper Day,' in Racine, according to a press release issued by the Racine Civic Centre.
"According to the release, Mayor John Dickert has officially proclaimed April 16 'Rowdy Roddy Piper Day' and Mark Eickhorst, the city's public information officer, will be presenting Piper with an honorary award.
"Piper, who is in the World Wresting Entertainment Hall of Fame, will be coming to Racine Friday for the Great Lakes Championship Wrestling event and will be featured in the ring at Memorial Hall, 72 Seventh St.
"Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the event begins at 7:30 p.m.
"Tickets start at just $10 and can be purchased at the Festival Hall box office. All reserved tickets for $30 and up include a pre-show meet and greet with Piper."
That's the entire article. Thank you, Mayor Dickert, Mr. Racine, and all others involved in this wonderful event. Thank you.
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12 hours ago
When I was younger, I was a bigger fan of pro wrestling. I seem to have outgrown much of that particular foolishness, but not all foolishness, thank God.
They Live, starring Roddy: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/ Cool trailer: http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi418775833/
They Live...that was my reaction. Well, more like, They Live?
Oh man my husband so would have been there.. He's a bit of a wrestling geek..
What's 'wresting?' Or is that
Elmer Fudd speaking???
If nothing else, this single act redeems my vote for Dickert.
Party on!
My first reaction was, thank goodness the mayor is tackling these very important civic duties... I'm sure it was on the 10 year plan.
Agreed, kk. The Iron Sheik was here a few weeks ago and that alone was probably enough for a year or two of the plan, but to have Rowdy Roddy Piper, too, well, that's like icing on the cake. Also, our investment in Mr. Racine is already giving us a handsome return. Perhaps he and Mr. Piper could put on an exhibition wrestling match for the city's edification?
I love it when a Ten Year Plan comes together.
Hot Rod! Piper's Pit is coming to town!
(I have a thing for bad movies. I loved They Live!!!)
Now if Dickert could get Stone Cold Steve Austin, I'd give him a Hell Yeah!
I want Batista or Triple H. If Dickert gets Batista to make an appearance in Racine, I will never criticize him again.
If he gets Triple H, I will not criticize him through the next mayoral election.
If he gets Batista and Triple H, I'll campaign for him during the election.
If Dickert gets the Undertaker, I won't criticize him for 6 months or through the next election, whichever is longer.
Mind you, these must be special appearances, like Rowdy Roddy's, and not just as part of regular (or irregular- heh) wrestling match appearances.
Autographed and personalized photographs of the wrestling stars would probably also affect my editorial tone towards Dickert, but certainly not as much as would appearances by the stars.
Extra points if Mr. Racine wrestles any one (or all three) of the pros.
lol Orbs!
I hope he smashes a coconut over Dickert's head.
Great video!
It would be very cool if Dickert were to take part in the proceedings somehow. Look wht it did for Vince McMahon.
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