Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Countdown

I was going to post this up last night, but somehow I got diverted into a conversation with someone. (Thanks DA :P) I wanted to honor the shuttle lift-off with a song from Rush. I've seen this video before and I think it's pretty darn cool. Check it out! It'll give you the chills!

BTW-I've got tickets to see Rush for the third time this summer!


  1. Neat video and song. I feel bad that the shuttles will soon be retired.

    Congrats on getting the Rush tickets. I checked the other day and tickets for Lady Gaga's September appearance in Milwaukee were still available. Good seats were only $190, plus service charges.

  2. $190 for tickets! That's crazy! Then again, my ex g/f paid $250 per ticket to see U2 at the Rose Bowl... I paid only $70 per ticket to see Rush.

  3. Can you imagine the "oh shit" moment the guy driving the crawler would have if he delivered the thing to the wrong launch pad?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
