Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mayor Marketing

"Wednesday at noon: You ask the mayor" - http://www.journaltimes.com/article_81617c3e-62d3-11df-aa54-001cc4c03286.html - An online Q & A with the mayor moderated by the Journal Times. I can't make it because of a previous appointment. (I don't think that they would allow any question I asked, anyway.) I hope they keep a log of the session posted for awhile afterwards, like they've done before. And I hope someone asks him some tough questions. In any case, I suspect that all of this, on the one year anniversary of Dickert's rise to power, is the result of our tax dollars at work via 'Mr. Racine' and the other PR people that we pay to promote Dickert to us.


  1. Sorry for the bluntness, but this is such a piece of shit. Wow. I have a lot of plans in my head too.... but I have a conscience.

    Well, at least we can trust the honesty of the information provided as long as The Journal Times are moderating this effort.{extreme sarcasm}

    I am so tired of people lying about everything, every time I turn around. Are we so self-absorbed that it is okay to continue to shit all over everyone if it furthers your own well being?

  2. Sounds Nixonian.

    Love the cat!

  3. If you give me one million dollars, I can make you ten million. The plan is all in my head. Just give me the money.


  4. I cancelled my appointment to follow the Q&A live online. I've already submitted a question to the mayor: "How many of our tax dollars are you going to give Jim Spodick?" I don't expect it to be answered.

    He's drawing out his answers with BS. So far, only canned responses, like a campaign speech.

  5. LOL, after one of the mayor's long, evasive answers, Bridget Thoreson, Journal Times moderator, had to ask him the question again.

  6. And he STILL doesn't answer the question. My, he is a slippery one!

  7. Not slippery, polished... egad!

  8. If we only had a train run though town, everything would be just grand here.

    April can't come soon enough.
