Monday, May 24, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Hope you have a nice day.


  1. Here's the question for folks. I own a 2007 Tundra. And, no, all the recalls have been handled.

    I was told when I bought it that the lights did not go off automatically after shutting the vehicle off. This is the only vehicle I have owned in the last 10years where I have to manually shut off the headlights. Well, I forget to do that a lot, but the lights seem to shut off. Is this something that all cars come equipped with these days?

  2. Do what I to Kim at Gentiles. She can tell you or do it for you. She is GREAT with Toyotas!!! She fixes my headlights all the time.

  3. Sassa, the headlights aren't broken...I think they have an automatic timer thing that shuts them off so many minutes after you shut off the engine...however, Toyota tells me it doesn't have such a feature.

    I'm in Florida....just looking to see if anyone else has a 2007 Tundra.

  4. Hey Beejay,
    Maybe if you took the snowplow blade off the front of it someone down there might be able to help you out.
    By the way, the lights will shut off when the battery goes dead.

  5. Beejay, if the lights turn off after a few minutes, the vehicle has the feature no matter what Toyota says. If they slowly dim out over hours, then you have the feature that logjam mentioned: dead battery.

  6. Check your owner's manual. There may be ways to change the settings. I know I can do that with my car (and I do at star parties since white light is streng verboten). It's usually something weird where you pump the gas pedal twice with the AC on high and the radio tuned to 95.7 or some equally obscure combination of factors you have to do.

  7. Personally I would turn the lights on while sitting in the running truck, then turn it off and wait and see if the lights go out. If they do after 1 minute, you've got the automatic shut-off.
    I'd say have a glass of wine while waiting but if a cop saw you in the driveway drinking and the truck on, there could be trouble.

  8. If i leave the lights on in my truck after I turn off the ignition, I get the incessant beeping until I turn them off.

  9. I thought it was pretty much standard to have lights that turned off and on by themselves now a days.. I know here in Sweden it's been a normal thing since I've lived here.. but it's law to have your lights on no matter what time of day you are out driving.

  10. I think this is a thing that stays on more than a minute...I'll check the manual again...couldn't find anything indicating I had this feature, but apparently I do cuz my battery sure as hell is not dead...

  11. Beejay, your personality is so dynamic that it's like the Energizer bunny. Your Tundra would probably start without a battery as long as you were the one turning the key.

  12. I was wondering why I was having a hard time swallowing today. Now, it is evident.... it's Monday! Boy, was it Monday today!

  13. Sure, Orbs, that's personality starts my that's why it is backfiring, right??? LOL J/K

  14. I have a Toyota and my lights shut off once I open my door if I did not manually turn them off. check the manual, that's how I found out.

  15. On my Corolla it's on the headlight button. a setting to turn off/on lights when key is turned. Check that out.

  16. Beejay, you need to check with the (a) dealer. The computers in ALL vehicles have many option stored in them. Like the door locks, they lock automatically when you start driving, they can turn that option on or off.

    I’m really not sure where you can get a list of the options.

  17. Never look in the obvious place in your manual, cuz it ain't there...I finally found something that said they were automatic, but if I wasn't going to drive the vehicle for several days to shut them off...must draw a small amount on the battery...question answered. Guess this is why you should read your manual from cover to cover!
