Friday, May 21, 2010

Open Blog - Weekend Version

The weatherman says rain for today, but partly sunny on Saturday and Sunday.


  1. Happy Friday everyone. I'm set for a nice weekend with Biggie D.

    I see you guys are set for a nice weekend now that I have returned to the southern climes of Florida.

    Enjoy yourselves!

  2. For the first time in two weeks, no rain or storms in the forecast and temps in the 80's. Doesn't get much better than that.
    Happy Friday everyone!

  3. Happy Friday. I put my air conditioner in yesterday and I'll be setting up mom's later today. It's not that hot yet, but we're getting there.

  4. Got myself off a high by thinking about the oil spill, the volcano and Arizona. Why can't things happen here like a tsumani from Lake Michigan? All we get is great weather for the weekend. Dang!

  5. Bought some flowers and tomato plants. Hope to plant this weekend. Summer must be finally here!

  6. I got a telescope, I got a telescope, I got a telescope...Biggie D found one for me and surprised me with it tonight...I am so excited!!!!! Now to figure out where to set it, which direction, etc. I am so happy, happy, happy!

    And clear weather is forecast for this weekend...goody, goody, goody.

    And more good news, I need to go back to that site for the unclaimed money...the first one I rec'd only requires stuff I have and is for $198. Given there are several more, there may be enough for a nice couple of dinners out or one small dinner party at my house....

  7. Beautiful weather here in Sweden. Planted some flowers and a tomato plant yesterday.. put up some make shift screen to keep the bugs out of my home (the doors I just hung some lace curtains over with a little velcro on the sides to close it tight) sitting outside trying to get some sort of color on my extremely pale legs.. enjoying the weekend cause I did all of my chores for the weekend through the week so I am off!! yay..

    Enjoy your weekends..

  8. Cool idea on the lace to fill the doorway. Are you still thinking you might attempt to build a more permanent screen door?

    Color on your legs? What is that? The sun actually bounces off my paleness...

  9. oh goodness kk, I was out with the girls wearing shorts for the first time.. I was seriously thinking that if the rest of me was covered and all you would see were my legs sticking out you would think there was a dead body laying there.. seriously pale.. I don't know why I attempt to get color.. no matter what they don't change.. possibly slightly pink but that's about it.

    As for building my own screen door.. I'll see how this works first.. didn't want to spend too much time or money on it.. Don't know how long we will be living in this apartment.. looking for something a little bigger.. we live in a little 2 bedroom apartment that is less than 800sq. ft. We just hate giving up a yard..

  10. Congratulations on the telescope, Beejay. I hope you spot some UFOs.

    I'm hoping to put some tomato plants in the ground later next week.

    It was damp and mostly foggy in my neighborhood today, but they're saying tomorrow will be better.
