Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two-year-old smokes 40 cigarettes a day

I startd smoking young, 7th grade, but that is ridiculous.


Why Not? said...

truly sick... child is slightly overweight and smokes.. great give the kid a heart attack by the age of 10.. great parenting.. Give the parents a car?!??! how about not giving them that chance and take that child away from them for child endangerment.. Obviously at 18 months old the child didn't pick up the smokes himself and light it to begin his addiction.. what the hell are people thinking??

OKIE said...

He gets cranky when they take his cigarettes away.Seriously, who is the parent here. He smokes, is a little on the chubby side and his biological units do nothing. Instead of a car, these people need some serious parenting skills. "It doesn't seem to affect him". Please. Let's see the kid in two years and see what the smoking has done.
Stupid is as stupid does.

SER said...

Totally insane. What a difference in laws. Here the dad would be locked up.

drewzepmeister said...

I'm shocked....

Anonymous said...

I bet he can blow smoke rings too!