Milton Morris was SC Johnson's director of transportation during that big payoff scandal. The case has ended, though I believe the parties are still wrangling over settlement monies, but I can't find a thing about good old Uncle Milty, the one I predicted would never serve a minute of hard time.
Must be nice to be above the law.
Im sauprised you could still pull that up seeing as how Webhead moderated all of us selectivly.
The last I heard, Morris was convicted, but sentencing had been delayed repeatedly because he was "co-operating in the investigation." As I understand it, the case is over, but I suspect that Mr. Morris will never be brought to justice. That's because justice is for sale. In any case (literally), the lawyers always win. Party on!
Nothing on Morris at CCAPS. I thought I read something recently, but can't remember the details. According to this article, he was supposed to be sentenced in February.
The Journal Times
Oh no, I may have to eat my hat. Do I have to do it even if I have a doctor's excuse?
I'm surprised that you have not posted the result of the sentencing that was supposed to take place today. 11/23/11 Did you not get the news?
Well, OrbsCorbs.......I hope you have plenty of mustard for your hat.
Here's an update:
I agree that Mr. Morris should do time, but i do think the years he was sentenced was extreme. He is a elderly man and this will likely be a death sentence for him. I know of some murders that got off easier the he did.
What about Thomas Buske ?
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