Monday, June 21, 2010

a computer error message I can understand

I'm still here, had to go in for a little tune up (couldn't handle the pain any more) then went fishing!


OrbsCorbs said...

Good to hear that you are still amongst the upright. Fishing can be therapeutic.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your feeling better. Those sex change operations can be a bitch (just kidding, but hey, I've been up all night listening to a Brigs and Straton).

kkdither said...

Very glad to have you back in action! :)

MinnesotaChick said...

Welcome back! Hope you are at 100% soon.

Love the error message.. I clicked yes.. where's my wine?

SER said...

Logjam, it really wan't a sex change but when they cut it off and sow it to your forehead and turn you into a "dick head" that is kinda of pain I have been told...laugh'in